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so, now that pip's comic is over the thursday slot is left empty... time to decide what to replace it with!

i am 99% certain that i want to use this slot to make some progress with zap & andy. The demo is almost done and i need to be able to work on new content for it , and if i start a different project that could eat in the game's developement time.

then again, i understand that two devlogs a week might be a bit too much, perhaps i can alternate zap& andy with something else every other week? something that would let me interact with you peeps requests?

what would you like to see me do? let me know down below so we can brainstorm something together!

p.s. i am doing a lil two page epilogue thing featuring pip's dad, but i'll just post when it's finished as it's nothing crucial. I might even use it as the prologue for the next story if it takes too long.



I personally would like to see the SU comic finished but if the Zap and Andy demo is almost finished go ahead and let that take priority!


Zap and Andy!

Bryan Whiteman

By all means it's good to see your motivation for the project return


Make a poll of possible projects. The Zap & Andy demo seems to gaining traction.


Why not Zap and Andy updates every second week and fill the other week with a page of Bolt Bunny X3


What ever you desire

Robert Smith

Zap and Andy is cool- it would also be cool to see something like the R34 tournament again, interaction and poll stuff was really fun - maybe a pin up competition? (This is not because I want to see an Allister pin-up no definitely not)


Well I do believe you should focus on that, since this is what you like and want. Especially since the game is close with the demo. But if you want to do something more as well, I do suggest like the other guys say, 1 week focus on that, and next make a small piece to share. Now what it would be, well, it can be the sfw story you wanted to write, or maybe simple art pieces (black and white, though only so you wont burn out!), or another comic you might wanted to do for a while now. Whatever it might be, though, make sure to be not to stressful. I think that most of us here, if not all, will agree with the part to take it easy man, and we will love whatever you will make ^w^!


If the Zap and Andy demo is almost finished, then I say finish it before other things to make sure you focus on other projects later.

Rodney Talon

I'm going to be honest I was going to suggest you take a break and enjoy the spare day. But if you are eager to continue or share zapp and Andy then share zap and Andy

Shiny Skunk

I'm happy with whatever you decide, even if its nothing thats like, hey, more time to put into the existing projects. But I wouldn't mind another tournament either 👀


Zap and Andy art along with the game!


I'd love to see progress on Zap and Andy, especially if the Demo is coming soon! Maybe release an extra piece of art along with the updates?


A Devlog of zap and andy would be great, and you get spare time some art pertaining to your OCs could be awesome. Thankyou for your work, "Dusk Acres" has me on the edge of my seat and I already miss Ozzy( he was too cute ).


If you want another project slot for Thursday, I might have an idea. A short MS anthology of mini comics telling the origins of our favorite Inmates, the crimes they've committed in their new life before being abducted by Saggita. EYES would act as the narrator of their tales who recounts events to our dear Keth/VOID. Every two weeks the Patrons would pick the next Monster or Staff to learn about. "Monster Smash: Dead to Rights"


Well if I had to come up with something. It might be a little too much for you with your other game projects but I'll at least show off my idea ^^ I would suggest my monster smash visual novel idea. It be a sequel to the comic where you play as a guy named Thomas who after losing his home hides in a haunted house which all the monsters are residing in thanks to Pepi owning it. After finding that the human is unaffected by the power of his voice, Voxotaur finds him interesting and decides to grant him any wish he wants which for Thomas is to have a big monster harem. So Voxotaur gives him a challenge, if Thomas can date every monster and make them fall in love with him, not only will he have his harem but he'll also get one other wish granted. Fail however and he'll be kicked out of the house with nothing to his name. It's a project I've been thinking about and working a little bit since the comic was still going. I call it "Monster Hearts"

Neth Rusiki Azhti

Honestly I'd prefer if you just did what you think would have the least commitment. So a bunch of one off personal pieces is what sounds the best to me! Or at least a bunch of one form of one off drawings of some kind!

Warren (Stephen) Rose

Zap and Andy main blog... When you have spare time, you ask us for scenarios for you to draw that star Zap and Andy?


I miss Bolt Bunny tbh


I think you should take this time and enjoy some downtime with it. Give yourself some time to rest your mind and let new things pop into it.


Make personal posts? Something about your week or an overall update about your projects. Until you want to devote thursday to a project


Take some time and give yourself some breathing room. Talk about Zap and Andy, or about your week, whatever will make you happy :)


Maybe alternate between Fenris High and Zap and Andy on tuesdays and leave saturday spot open so you can have more time to work on Dusk Acres? Not saying that you need to, but I think it is the most laborious thing on the schedule, so it might help?


The focus should definitely be zap and andy seeing as the demos nearly ready. With all the awesome stuff you done, if you were to alternate it should be something very low maintenance. I like the idea of having an image being zap and Andy related - it relates to the game, you can add lore through a description and its Halloween related. You could even have ppl come up with suggestions and do a poll.


I love the comics but to be honest the reason I started supporting this patreon was the game projects you were working on, so I have no problem with you doing multiple devlogs a week.

Duke Stamina

Totes love the idea of Zach and Andy getting some spotlight tone, but would also be SO INTO a weekly lude gif animations


Zach and andy would be great! If thats what you want to work on, go for it!


Honestly you put out so much content that I'd be happy if you took thursdays for yourself. I'd also be down to see sketches on thursdays


Either Zap and Andy or a day off. I’d be fine with either choice you make.


You could use Thursday as you sketch practice day. Showing off your unfinished folder or shelves projects.


I miss Monster Smash so much especially “Keth”🥺.


Hi Blaze! How've ya been? If it's an idea you want, you should do a Monster Smash: Origin Story for some of the characters!! Have it coloured like you did for Pip's comic! I know you've been busy with Fenris High and Zap and Andy among other things, but it would be pretty cool seeing Gastro's past more and his relationship with Jack and his pack. Just a though. Happy Halloween!


See the ending from the ghosts