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Woah looking really hot with the dad musky growth dayum!! Hope they can keep making deep sniffing sounds as they grow. Great intrigue to this comic, woah.

Robert Smith

Frank: That wasn't you and it WASN'T your fault. We will get you help as soon as possible but giving up here and falling into regret will prevent you from going onwards. We believe in you. Allister and Frank: It seems that whatever we are fighting is a reality warper, and seems obsessed with people filling out roles - like the chef who didn't know anything. Could this be related to the laughing god you mentioned from the red ritual? This is getting really tense, I love this so much. Allister is a cutie whatever form he is in


I agree but I still love his more chubbier look. But I also agree with this. Allister, do you have any other information about the laughing god that could help?


Agents: You've lost your guns, car, and clothes. It's likely that police are waiting outside with handcuffs if you try streaking. It's a long trip and you're defenseless. They expect you two to be their puppets, or panicked. Be neither. Calm down and think about the next move.


Agents Frank and Allister, glad to have you back. Check the building for any of the wine you were served at the manimal factory, it may be the factor that's effecting peoples minds. Grab a bottle for a sample analysis and stealthily leave the premises, you should have the cover of darkness to help you.


Allister; was there an instance when the red ritual was performed in the past and what were the series of events that followed.


Director. This is agent ID. Agent frank and Allister have been returned to normal after an attempt to have their minds and body changed. Likely part of the same plot to kidnap and change people. Something to do with the red ritual. You know I have elemental magic knowledge but not ritual.. so far as I can tell the agents are okay for now. But their property is missing. If we can find a way out I would happily join on a crew to go help them if you allow it sir.

Neth Rusiki Azhti

Agent N - *I think for a bit about what it is that I was missing, what it was that I was doing but didn't finish, and I realize what just happened and what I just failed to finish. I run out of the monitor room after the Directore, Agent H and Agent R* Agent N - Wait a second... OH, DIRECTOR! Before you leave, I need to finish my... business... with Agent R. I received a MAD chip command to do so, and I don't want to find out what happens if I don't complete the command. So I implore you that you let me finish my command before you lock him away. Agent N - *I will kneel down in front of Agent R and stuff his cock in my mouth and give him the blowjob of a lifetime, and get him to cum down my throat as fast as I can*


I agree, loving how the story is progressing, and all of the great ideas some people are giving for each update. Really got me hooked with this one!


O_o wth is going on? I'm the definition of lost. The clothes they were wearing changed their appearance, personality, and memories? Ok...? I'm interested in who has the power to do something like that.


OFF: So, are we going back into the APEX room? I'd love to be part of the team that goes in the field, if that's an option. Agent H: Boss, they said something about sending a team out on the field? Maybe me and Agent R could go, I'd love to help out on the field, and Agent R would be away from the command room as punishment.


(Hmmm, so due to whatever magic ritual they've been part of their physical appearance seems to change on their self perception, at least presumably a change real enough to be caught on camera.) <b>Agent Frank</b> : You might want to clean yourself up in the bathroom, they probably have a toothbrush. <b>Agent Allister</b> : Agent Allister, you and Bellows are spiking in stress levels. Maybe you two should take a second to relax and calm your nerves. Make some tea, turn on the television and watch one of those 5 am reruns of Monster Smash, the raunchy hit tv show. My favorite.


The changes started happening before they even saw the clothes, I'm sure they didn't help, but the ritual they were part of is what changed their memories.


(Oh man, this has been dark and getting darker. I love it.) Allister: Listen, this may not be the right time, and if I were you I wouldn’t take too kindly to what I’m about to suggest, but we might have ourselves a valuable opportunity here. Considering the <i>unique</i> connection you and Agent Bellows have to the recently deceased, perhaps there’s a ritual or séance or something you could perform to leverage that connection and help us gain some desperately needed perspective on the situation? Ozzy obviously knew a whole hell of a lot more than any of us do about what’s going on, and any information we can squeeze from this bag of sour lemons could prove vital. (I don't think I'm helping ease the tension on poor Allister with this suggestion.)


Agent Frank: We are aware of how distressing the situation is, and offer the suggestion of inducing vomitting. To help you collect yourself, please list some thing about yourself. This should help you disociate the event from yourself as it was not you who did that, and not something you would ever do. The facts are that you and Agent Allister were force fed an unidentified individual in your sleep. Try to direct disgust at the one who did the actions rather than yourself. Director: I have skimmed the records and not found commands that would make Agent N act in such a way. Also the Supernatural Entity at Dusk Acres has revealed their secondary sphere of influence to be sex. I estimate the odds of the MAD chip not being involved to be 70%.


(I love how you drew the Dirctor's mane BC, his hair is so pretty. So I've been thinking... Agent R probably had no clue about the location of the Chip Control room, but he was easily able to find it with a chip command, maybe accessing subconscious memories that had been blocked off. If we need to find the exit, we probably should just command one of us to go to the exit.) Agent A W, MAD chip command - Go to the exit of this facility.


Allister: Use your talent to scour ALL clothing within that household for any malevolent occult sigils and glyphs, be thorough on the stitching and tags. Don't want to see you gentlemen delve into another ROLE like that again. Both: Once you two get dressed make your way on foot towards The Inn, oddly enough The Van is currently residing there. Gives us an update on Damien's condition if spotted, poor kid is probably freaked out. —————————— Agent F5: *Pulls out his old S.N.F. journal and quickly flipped through the pages. Just when he was making the preparations, a formal group photo slips out onto the floor from within the pages... The Opossum's eyes widen from the sudden revelation invoked by the aged photo. Within the photo are Otis, Frank, Allister, The Director, H, R, L, Himself and many current APEX members.*


(So commands linger in the mind if unfulfilled huh, I wonder what happens if you make a command that is virtually impossible.) MAD Chip Command - Director - You're going to gain weight, you're going to let yourself get fatter and fatter, and only when you weigh more than a minivan, when you can use your belly as a bed, when you've turned yourself into a immobile blob of lion lard will you be done - until then you're going to be a greedy boy, a selfish glutton with no willpower to resist the delicious, taking more than your fair share, anything that makes you feel good - until then you're gonna fill your belly until you're exquisitely stuffed every chance you get, so long as it's tasty and doesn't break the Alliance convention ( You're a greedy boy not a cannibal) - until then you're going to have increased libido, you're going to be lazy, hate the thought of exercise or diet and think you look like a hunk, a beefcake - you won't remember this command exists even if you're told about it directly

Lee Evergreen

Frank and Alister, you need to calm down. For now try not to think about it, let's compound the evidence we've gathered so far, bounce some ideas with me. The pieces of this puzzle are slowly falling to the table, we just need to start putting them together. We know the missing people are being transformed and brainwashed into different people. What could possibly do this?


I hope everyone noticed that the wine has showed up again.


Agents, in an attempt to explain this madness, I have collated a hypothesis from the information you've provided us with your grisly firsthand account. You might be dealing with an entity capable of calling forth spirits in a manner akin to the Red Ritual to house them in your body forcefully. In your compromised state, you've assumed the identities of a "Father Owen" and a muscular bear you can see in a picture framed on the wall. Even if we're disregarding the possibility that supernatural forces are at play, profiling whoever appears to have lived here is likely crucial to understanding your captors' motive. Based on what you've said in your stupor in their stead, they appear to have been lovers who were members of a cannibalistic religious sect embracing the "natural" state of animals. They both claimed to be "hard-working, church-going, law-abiding citizens of this wonderful country," with noticeable contempt from the bear for having to stifle their true selves. On another note, their flesh-eating rituals were not only for pleasure but for some higher goal. If you encounter them in a séance, it would be wise to keep in mind that they would likely be hostile if they find out you're from the government.


(I kinda couldn't decide between analysis and interaction here, sorry XP)


Off: Just a note about the magic. Most of it seems to require some kind of “consent” from the victim. Things only went supernatural at the dinner after they agreed to dine, and the possession needed them to put on the clothes. The clothes are of special note as the captors clearly wanted the agents to wear them, but didn’t put it on them while they slept. MAD control being moved also fits with the consent theory as everybody transported was looking into the area. The exception being what happened at Ozzy’s place, though Frank was certainly consenting to drinks and sex before so that may count. Also of note is the corrupted footage. It’s a little odd that the corrupting only took hold as Matt was taking a cigar from someone. The footage could have been corrupted through entirely mundane means, but if that were the case why leave a recording of a missing person being drawn into the shadows. Whoever was getting rid of the footage would have only needed about a minute to completely remove footage of Matt from the system. So my theory is that magic in this setting takes the form of traps. That said this is a theory with little evidence and we have not seen magic actually get put to the test in this setting


Allister: agent, you seen the calmest of this whole situation. We both know Frank doesn’t believe the supernatural and right now he’s in shock over what he’s done. Do what you can to calm the boar down, embrace him to try and calm him down if need be or even tell him to focus on your musk you just develop have him take his mind off of this just until you two can calm down and figure out your next steps


OOF... Poor Agent R, but I can't say he didn't deserve it... at least he can say he's been hit on by his crush X3 Don't think R's in much position to do anything besides try not to throw up after a punch like that. Agent R - "Director?... D-Director?... Sir?... (Ohhh my head...) *cough*... Sir?... C-cmon you gotta listen to me, you got the wrong guy..." Considering his condition I don't think he'd want a blowjob at the moment, unless he's under the unfinished command problem too, it did say it'd only be complete when Agent N was "good and FULL"


Given the speed of the mental transformations, one might wonder if others in town are victim to cursed items. It's also possible that they could be reversed just as completely.


The "possession" didn't need them to put on the clothes, they were transforming before they even saw the outfits. And I don't think possession is the right word, they are not being possessed by the dead, they're just having their identitys destroyed and replaced, we know because the "chef" was revealed by Frank to not really have the knowledge he should have if he was who he claimed to be.


Allister and Frank: OK, exit the house, get a bearing on your surroundings, and head to the Cozy Hearth Inn. The van is located just outside of it. You can regroup there. Take extreme caution. I have reason to believe that this cult might be targeting Frank specifically. I was going over the recorded footage of the case and found that the first encounter you guys had started at 5:13 pm. If Allister didn’t show up, Frank would have been the 11th victim. This is consistent with the 11 5 13 message Allister found. Around that same time the hacking of our systems occurred with numbers 11, 5, and 13 being repeated in sequence, so it can’t be a coincidence. If 11 represents Frank, and considering what just happened. It’s possible that the inverted 5 meant his transformation into a corrupt priest and 13 refereed to the literal death that occurred. If that’s true than whatever is happening here needs Frank to play the role of a priest. The only thing I’m wondering about is how Otis used the inverted 11 to represent Frank. It could represent Otis’s rocky relationship with his son, or there’s something about Frank that Otis wanted hide from everyone else. It could explain why this cult has been so fixated on Frank so far. Either way, it’s almost 5:13 am. Something might happen again so keep your guards up. Frank, you getting any of this? Allister told you about the message Otis left in the hotel room right?


*hearing this Agent ID pulls out his tarot deck and notes. Pulling out the card and placing them infront to study. Reverse 11 justice, meaning unfairness, lack of accountability, dishonesty. Reverse 5 hierophant, meaning personal beliefs, freedom, change of status quo. And 13 death, meaning endings, change, transformation, transition. With the agents word and the repeating numbers things were getting worrisome.*

Neth Rusiki Azhti

DUDE THIS IS SO COOL!! It sounds so well put together, and it makes total sense! It all makes sense now, that is totally what's going on!


Just an epiphany that I just had: All of the "wow where am I, I can't remember anything in the past few days" to me is now screaming "Monillius" or at least "A demon's lies"