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Pepi: isn't there some way you guys can get to the second floor to help the scientists they look to be in trouble. By the way, we never mentioned this but that picture of you and your wife was really cute. Since it was taken in the the 1913's we bet you two were quite the swingers on the dance floor. Maybe after all of this you can show us some of your old dance moves.


((OH YAY thanks for using my suggestion for the name ❤️❤️)) LUCAS: Your only chance is to make a cure. We’ll do everything we can to give you time. WEREWOLF JACK (assuming we can find him, give us a view of where he is now and what he’s doing): So what’s the plan now, big guy? You got any other “lovers” stashed away to betray and throw under the bus? Cause you sure managed to fuck things up here with your first attempt

Star Ringer

Lucas! Path of least resistance! No risks! Get the cure created! And exhale VERY slowly through your nose- the air in your lungs is already sapped of oxygen, but the longer you hold it all in the sooner your respiratory system will compel you to inhale. And once you've exhaled as much as you can, pinch your nose shut!


"and only to the ones that passed through us directly" Hmm, so does this mean Chuck probably isn't immune to the voices like Pepi.

Neth Rusiki Azhti

all of the "previous portals" are immune to the voice, them being Gastro and Pepi. but since the screen hasnt healed yet, Chuck isnt immune yet :P

Star Ringer

Dr. Gounden, even if you're fully visible, we can see right through you.


Legion : Hey boy, why you gotta be so cagey all the time? I swear, we could ask ya what yer favorite color is and I bet you'd still refuse to tell for fear of giving us an 'advantage'. You know perfectly well the best way to get ahead now is to endear yourself to us by letting us get to know ya, yer a smart guy, the rules have changed, adapt. Or what, you think The Voice might give you a better deal? Trust me, that path is suicide, you'll find a deal with him much much more painful than sticking with us. Just let go. Take off the mask and show us yer real feelings. Are you jealous of Keith because he found love? Well don't worry. Its easy to be loved. We love you Legion.


Lucas don't worry, even if you don't make the cure yourself, we can direct the poltergeist, Dr. Gounden, to get the cure, as he can still interact with the real world and probably phase through and orc that tried to grab him. Still I'm worried about how the smell may affect the poltergeist, since he might have to constantly go incorporeal to not be infected and couldn't pick up the cure. You should probably try to neutralize the smell first, future proofing and all that.

Neth Rusiki Azhti

firstly, I also vote for going for the cure. Lucas: the cure is your only chance! you're gonna have to fight your way through an army of horny zorcs VERY soon! to the rest of the monsters on the 3rd floor: the Truthsayer knows where you are and is coming for you guys as we speak. you have to keep moving if you're to get away. if he gets to this floor before you get to the next, you'll be stuck here with no chance to escape. you guys HAVE TO get on the move, fast!


Lucas: You're probably the only person capable of synthesising the cure - once it's made, someone else can always distribute it. And if you get it finished before Emilio and Jack are done slobbering on that fine Orcish meat, you can always test it out on yourself as a preventative before they start spit-roasting you.


Gastro: Out of anyone, should you be giving relationship advice?


There’s so much I want to say in this update but holy SHIT that smug Legion look is killing me… in a good way. Legion: Seeking out love isn’t something to be shunned. You can’t say another is a failure simply because they chose a different path from yourself. If they’re happy what does it matter if they are not powerful? They will become strong in order to protect those that they hold dear. I not sure if you’re just pessimistic by nature, but you give me the impression of someone who needs some love in their life. You doubt our intentions of being nice to you as us trying to use you in some way when we just want to treat you as an equal. When we ask for information on demons you get all secretive assuming again, we have ulterior motives, I’m not even sure how we could use such information to our advantage. Now you're talking as if you’re going to meet your end when you really should be more hopeful that you’ll make it through this. I may not know of the trials and tribulations you’ve been through in your life but we’re here to lend an ear and give advice if need be. You seem like a cool dude who I want to learn more about and hopefully we can remedy that overly negative view you have on things. I really like that dream of yours so you shouldn’t be so quick to give it up. Although instead of turning people into lies maybe you could opt for a more humane method? Doing that to people is kinda messed up. Gastro and Keth: We don’t treat Keth as a doormat, he’s our favorite demon. If Keth doesn’t like something that we’re doing, he has the safe word that he can and should feel free to use. The more we speak to Keth the greater our love for him grows. Words cannot express such feelings. Also, Gastro not all of us are horny so don’t lump us in together like that.


To Harvey: Now THAT'S some positive action buddy, even though some of the voices within us might feel disappointed that you discouraged Monillus from his devious plan, you must know that many of us think that such good attempt of protecting your friends will only benefit you in the long term, you all are a pack now, to stick together, help and protect each other is the better option , and we are proud of you for doing such.

Lee Evergreen

Lucas: Maybe try taking off your pants and start jacking off. If the others think your changing too they might leave you alone long enough to get the samples. The zorcs aren't very smart and as far as we can tell don't have a hive mind so it might be your best chance. Legion: I remember someone mentioning lies have, "tastes," is that literal or is more so referring to how well they can sustain a demon. If it's not literal why don't you all just make the mortals happy and let 'em go when you're done? Keth has mentioned he'd be more than happy to make an entire kingdom like that if he could.


Monillius: Hey, maybe now is not the time to turn against everyone else, you do still need to find the cure for Legion's clone at least. I understand you're really awesome and all that, but better save that awesomeness for later, rather than being left alone and beaten up in this very dangerous place. You and your fellow demons should be teaming up with everyone right now, the TRUTHSAYER is coming for you and you know he is very strong against demons. Legion: Hey, Mr. Legion, I'm really glad you told us about your dream. It is a really beautiful one, to provide for many. You also told us about the choice between honing your power and spending time searching for love: You already have a lot of power, maybe this is as good time as any to look for love as well? Keth knows his shortcomings, and now he also wants to become more powerful, what if you two teamed up and you thought him some tricks and he thought you about love? Keth: Hey, love, you are as cute as ever. You should make it a goal to become stronger, dear, the Truthsayer is coming, and he knows you are loved by us, he might try to use that to his advantage. Ask both Monillius and Legion for help, and if none of them wants to teach you maybe try talking to us about demon magics, in the worst case scenario we might have to try and work this out by ourselves. But don't give up, we'll be here for you in whatever way we can be. To ourselves: Uhm, maybe we should spy on the thruthsayer every now and then, just to know where he is? Or maybe use that map thingy we used when the Fingers were on the first floor? I mean he was just one floor above us right? He wasn't very far at all


Sydan: Guess we'll take you up on your offer then, perfect time to be a Musclechubby Batty just until y'all escaped from this Facility. Heart: If the Truthsayer manage to wipe out the party, reduce Sydan's weight so he's doesn't slow down. Provide him with the adrenaline and stamina needed to outrun your pursuer. Monsters and Lucas: Since we can affect your senses, we're gonna try something that'll take care of the musk issue. We'll let ya know if it worked just be sure to keep your distance from a Zorc. Use pain when you feel you're no longer in control of your own body near those green bastards. (((It appears we're able to affect the senses and also delve into the minds of beings living or undead in their world, The Patrons should collectively use their power to conceal the monsters and Lucas from being seen, heard and smelled by #9 AND ALL THE ZORCS until those unfortunate souls are cured. Temporary Sensory Deprivation think Kaname Tōsen's power from Bleach. Only caveat is if a Zorc somehow manage to catch one of em, that Zorc will be able to perceive the person they touched as long they have a hold on em. Likewise we use that same power to nullify our protagonists' and Lucas' sense of smell ONLY to this Zorc musk.))) Lucas: After the cure is synthesized, administer a dose on yourself then carefully sneak your way to the chemical cabinet and mix concoctions that'll prove useful in subduing the Zorcs in the room like an incapacitating agent.


Lucas think for a second what's more important this cure or you life even if you make the cure and it worked it's no good to us if your a sex crazed Zorc you should leave and meet up with everyone else while your still able.


Lucas, as much as we need that cure, it will take you minutes to make it. Unless you're also a professional free-diver, I don't think we have minutes. If you take a single breath before finishing it, it's game set match for you. Neutralize the stench, then cure. Bennet, Simmons, is there any way you can distract the zorcs while Lucas does his thing?

Neth Rusiki Azhti

OH and can we take another peek just outside this bunker, to confirm that Monilius has successfully entrapped all the zorcs and the coast is clear? And... The brambles? Are they changed at all since the Heart moved away?


(((For laughs we could pull a World War Z, tamper with the Zorcs senses having them perceive the monsters and Lucas genderswapped (Rule 63) to act as a kind of deterrent if those green brutes are only attracted to other males.)))


Some of us' favorite demon. Personally I love the dude. But other folks just want to see these monsters fuck.


Can we project the thought of naked defenseless twinks in the other room for the orcs to have the thought to go check it out. It could buy Lucas sometime.


I love how their are folks playing the bad voices role but I'm actively panicking because I just want everything to work out.


Even if the Zorcs leave the room he still needs to breath it would be better if he just Ran to the elevator and join the other's

Yoked Coder

Lucas: Please go ahead and make the cure preparations, we can distract the Zorcs ourselves by giving them visions of things that aren't there and then quickly try to keep yourself safe by trying to obtain the scent neutralizer, if you can at least get that first part done we can assure you that we will save you. If possible I want to transmit visual illusions to the Zorcs and transforming crew of Lucas in places he isn't to clear a path and to create the illusion that he is invisible where he is


Lucas: Just give up on them. They're infected. You're not. Alternatively, give up on protecting yourself, be the zombie orc you were meant to be. Wouldn't it feel good to suck his cock?