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we've hit a bit of a snag on the programming side, so my programmer friend had to wrack his brain for a bit to solve some problems concering the inventory . Turns out game maker 2 doesn't recognize easily the placement of the mouse cursor in a true 3d evnironment

the programmer though is creating some custom code and managing to overcome this problem, so now you can drop your items on the ground and be a fucking slob! XD

on the graphic side of things, i finally managed to finsh the intro to the game! 

we've seen the main character looking wistuflly at his friends playing drunkenly in a clearing in the park, so he turns to the campus, wondering if maybe they should go back but... what are those? glowing eyes in the dark?

what the hell? there are fucking wolves in the park??

the main character turns to warn his friends, but the wolves attack!

everyone gets bitten! 

the main character tries to turn around to go get some help but a familiar face stops him in his tracks. it's chow time!

but wait, the big werewolf in the overcoat didn't kill the main character? he's saying stuff like

"how curious. of all the places, this dump is the last one where i would've expected to meet

someone such as you."

"but that makes things way more interesting." he says with a smile

the main characters sees his maimed friends as the big wolf in the overcoat tells him

"show me what you and your friends are made of." before a blood red mist descends on him

and drowns his consciousness in darkness.

and that's it for this update! more to come pups! and have a spooky end of the month! awooo! 




Lolz one of them got bit in de butt.


I see the one biting Dave has his priorities in the right place 🍑 Seriously impressive work!


I can’t wait to find out where the 7th werewolf is this evening! Is the headmaster also getting a visit?


I absolutely love the way you depict werewolves, this intro has me so so excited for the rest of the game!!


Wow! and this is just the first part too! Dude really amazing work both of you! Can't wait to see the final product!


That gif of the wolf coming out of the shadows is so good. It reminds me of the dog in the Shadowrun SNES game that unnerved me when I was a kid