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happy halloween folks! and so our story ends, not with a bang, but with a whimper from boss, trapped in a sick conquering game , forced to spread samedi's curse to get the faintest glimmer of hope for the ones he foolishly condemned to this fate in search for vengeance. But is he really going to lay down and take it?

we move our perspective a few days after the events transpired in the story, to catch up with one last loose end in this 2 pages epilogue!

that's it for this week! a couple week more and we can finally wrap this up! see you next time for more , folks!

p.s. as always, the original files are in the rar archive attached!




Huh, to think that the argument at the beginning would be relevant. Also, is that the magician who noped out earlier. He’s alive and have a connection to the afterlife. I like this.

Bryan Whiteman

Mind numbing pleasure for everyone but him trapped. Like the one sober man at the party that doesn't end. Mmmh, That's some good tragedy .


Wait. Price is ALIVE??


I mean, not alive... dead. But not erased from existance!!!


yeah, turns out it's really hard to actually destroy a dead man XD boss fished what remained of him out of the fools paradise and converted him again

Rodney Talon

.ask is alive and with magic Okay. Shit can the curse effect living? Oh Dan and his boy...and the gangsters so duh yeah


If that's the case what happen to the unfortunate souls that Shezmu stripped off Bradley in GGG3? Were they able to pass on?


Yay! I like Price so I'm very happy he got the release he wanted