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The creatures known as minotaurs are a living memory of an era long lost. They were created from nothing through methods no longer known, by a race that no longer walks the world of mortals. It is said that these beings were so far along on their path towards illumination that their bodies were paper-thin and frail as a dried leaf, and that their minds were lost in thoughts so deep they needed constant nourishment to be able to just function normally. So the minotaurs were born, the perfect sons, the ultimate guardians. Sharp in mind and peerles in body, they assisted the ancient creatures in every task, studying under them and helping them in whatever their fathers needed. 



Minotaurs were not only the trusty aid of the ancients, but also their main source of nourishment. They were enginereed so they would be able to produce ample quantities of a potent milk infused with stray magical radiation, capable of sating their masters constant need for food and energy. Their ejaculate also has the same properties, but drinking it was considered a ritual of bonding, friendship or love reserved only to minotaurs, so the ancients almost never partook of it.



Minotaurs are now alone in the maze like demenses of the ancients, guarding their researchs , studies and bodies from any intruder. Their fathers mind now wander in places they can not yet reach, waiting for them.  No new minotaur has been born for over a millennia and their numbers dwindle, as through history they have fallen prey to adventurers and slavers that sought their precious milk, capable of feeding an entire regiment for days with just a bottle. The few minotaurs remaining are now shy and reclusive creatures, their mind wise after centuries and centuries of studying , but they are also tormented by the fact that one of their purposes is now missing. Being forced to stay alone in their maze palaces and not being able to meet with others of their species or being able to feed their fathers , their pectorals and testicles swollen with their nourishing milk, and their minds clouded by the desire to share their gifts with anyone.



you might encounter a huge , horned figure in your travels. It won't speak to you, won't react to any of your provocations, and will respond with deadly force if you try to impede his travel or harm him. This is a peregrine minotaur: he has lost his father or maze and now travels the world searching for other mazes . Their deep feeling of loss towards their fathers stops them from ever being able to stop in other mazes or bond with other minotaurs, but their dutiful nature brings them to a life of constant travel, going from maze to maze to help their brothers relieve the burden of their milk and in doing so ease their mind from the need to share the nectar with unworthy beings. These minotaurs are often stalked and captured for the reasons described above, so they are a rare sight. Only the most ruthless, deadly and stronger ones remain roaming the world, so if you decide to take on on one be prepared to battle with thousands of years of hard earned experience.



the mazes sculpted on their horns were put there by the ancients. The minotaurs spend a part of their time trying to solve them and bring the golden pins out of their horns. The ancients promised them that if they managed to solve both puzzles they'd reach  illumination , and be able to rejoin with them in the world beyond flesh. No known minotaur seem to have managed to solve them, despite the mazes being seemingly simple. 


well, here's the first monster, hope you like this format, tell me if you'd like to see something else added to this! 


also, in the attached rar archive there's the original file , plus an hi-res version of it!





Creature suggestion! How would you feel about a shapeshifter/changeling?


Well this is rad as fuck! And also beautifully rendered!!! I know these pieces must take you much longer and much more effort to draw, but they’re so wonderful to see! Thanks for sharing this! Also wow those Minotaurs and their story seem pretty sad damn. Do any ever choose their own life and go free, or are they invariably bound to their mazes (or travel between them, as with the peregrines) for all eternity?




Also by “see something added to this”, do you mean like another Minotaur image? Or do you just mean another entry into the monster manual?

Rodney Talon

well you were creative with it. And a little westworld in here, huh. nerd :) Thanks for sharing


Looks great!


I fucking love this big guy! I would make him husbando to nurse on those milky tits always <3


Oh if I could ask, I know from this you mentioned there ejaculation and stuff is reserved for the bonding and stuff for minotaurs only. But if anyone did it with them, think you could add what being mated to a minotaur would be like?


I did NOT expect this so soon! It's incredible


Like Meaninglez said I was not expecting this so soon, but very very glad you started off with the Minotaurs. I do like this lore about them.


And I would say that a few did crossover but not to their fathers they seek to badly but found themselves on other worlds where in the name of their fathers found a way to make new Minotaurs on these worlds might take note of them and help them more on their way to them.


this inspired by anothermeekone's bestiary from a few years back?


Well, I'm lactose intolerant, but I think I'll make an exception in this case. 🍆💦 Amazing picture and love the lore, you've got me dying to see what comes next!

Shiny Skunk

asjkflkgkajkls i take my vote back i'm so glad this was the winner wow


I would love to be one's milk maid and help them complete their horn puzzles.


I have a certain bias towards minotaurs and satyrs, so this entry is just great in my books, but I must say, as awesome as the bestiary is with such nice lore paragraphs, the nerd in me was expecting something closer to a castlevania bestiary, with the monster's level, attacks and weak points, as well as possible stats such as "virility, dominance, submissiveness" and so on. I'm not complaining, the format is great as it is, just caught me off-guard :9