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Alright, seems like the sexy fantasy beastiary won! Pick your poison!



Oh boy soo many choices.❤

Shiny Skunk

myconid sounds like it would have some good hypno possiblities :3


Minotaur and Satyr are my first picks :3c


Considering how Monster Smash turned out, I'm guessing we're gonna grab the Bull by the Horn(s) 🐮


I’m mostly picking Minotaur for the connection to Monster Smash.

Rodney Talon

Please pollsters we are not at loss for arcs, werewolves and so on. Consider this me trying to argue for myconids or at least something more distinct. Something that's not as common that you probably don't already have hundreds of pictures up on Twitter and furaffinity about. I want to see both the creativity and fun that can be had. Especially with a fantasy bestiary as opposed to obvious muscly aggro beasts Merfolk, mimics and harpies deserve some love


You are correct, while many did pick the most common most of them had at least ten votes, proving there is interest, scattered it may be. I only hope this beastiary is still going after the obvious choices are used up so these creatures can all get the entries they deserve.


Can we also get a list on what each beast can breed with? like can an orc breed with a minotaur or something along those lines?

Rudy Blues

Aw heck I was late

Rudy Blues

I vote orc, and I am eligible patron to vote


aw sorry man, consider this week just a test run anyways, since i had to use up a day to decide what people would like me to do, next week the poll will be up at a more reasonable time, i assure you