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Voxotaur: Very well Keth I'll change it back. You pleased me very well, I'm sure you'll continue to do so. Now let us go find my next comrade Pepi, he'll be the mummy with the bodaciously large ass.


Cage his regular sized dick?!

Star Ringer

"I grant you respite. Be at ease and clear of mind. We have work to do." Once we start moving/rowing/whatever "Keth. Tell me. Who exactly stood to gain from making a lie of my dear pup? The viscount? His two minions? You? Who gains the truth of the mortal made into the lie? And who holds my sunny mummy captive to that end?"


Keth now has no fear or hesitation about being transformed. In fact he finds the act pleasurable and will gladly take on any form you desire be it a creature or object


Eh, actually, let's get a move on. I wanna see Pepi.


Voxtaur: "Ok Keith well will change it back. Keep in mind though that you will be able to feel pleasure like this and more if you continue to serve us." As we change Keith''s dick back to normal we use the voice to make him addicted to our touch or voice? Some type of trigger to help keep him in check just in case.


Voxotaur: well I can't think straight ever, especially with a big dick in front of me, so that makes two of us. Now, *sits infront of keth's big dick and starts licking it clean* what's happening to us in the real world? What are we doing? Are we laying unconscious? *Stuffs a finger down the dick*


It's time for us to get dressed into something sexy!! Lets use our transformation powers to create some stylish clothes for us and Keith to wear. Might I recommend something classically Egyptian themed? With tanned leather boots and ornate gold jewellery if we're about to save Pepi. Or... if we just want to look good, how about something more modem, stylish? How about a nice Hawaiian print shirt to lighten the mood? Cool shades? Some heart print boxers, or a tight pair of thongs... Or how about a suave tuxedo style suit for you and Keith? We'd look cool and dignified, and I'm sure Keith would be thrilled to wear something that commands respect, and would be a good sign of our friendship. So many options that could compliment our appearance and enhance our sexual appeal.


"Keith, you've got to stop worrying so much buddy. What happened to those three... don't tink it was nothin personal or anything!! Heck, I don't even mind that bloke cut me head off really, I just like being dramatic. HAW haw HAW!! I know you demons gotta eat, gotta survive and I don't begrudge that, even if I can't allow my friends to become lies. Isn't there anything else you boyos can eat? I'd love to find a way to help everyone."


If we happen to reach wherever pepi is in the next one I want us to anounce loudly "Daddy's home!" When we enter wherever he is


Make the creature grow further... It's better like this.


I may be biased but, I vote for Keth reverting back into his true form, claim we changed our mind, and that it displeased us him trying to pleasure us at the cost of his puny form being in danger or not doing a good enough job, declare that he shall remain in his true form at all times except when we demand his "carnal services"


Oh no Keth, you’re stuck like that now. Too bad, you’re just going to have to deal with it.


Change Keth's true form to be the hunky form, he will still be able to become small, but he wont need to actively want to be hunky anymore. Maybe just make Keth's dick size something he can control when he is not aroused? Just so we can get to the others without him passing out or anything. I'm really curious about his background though, we really should ask him about that, especially why he wears shackles and a mask (its okay if it's just character design, but if there is a reason I would like to know beforehand). I also want to be a loving master to Keth, hope that doesn't kill the D/S joy of the other voices, but there is at least one voice that just wants to cuddle this hunky demon.


Voice, you make a mistake of assuming us united. Incapacitating threats to the vessel is of somewhat high priority, but I did not wish them harmed or vegetablized as seems to have happened. I do however fully intend to have them reverted to their normal forms and mindframes once we are ready to leave the floor. I do feel guilt about bringing them so close to destruction but changing them back now would be pointless as we would likely need to incapacitate them again or hunt them down as they hide a protoge. I may just be providing excuses for inactivity but that is my preferred path.


Let’s return his genitals to average proportions, such a massive dick will be just cumbersome. Keth should return to his normal form for now, as I find it very pleasing when not having sex. Then we should get going to Pepi. On the way there we’ll be the one rowing so Keth can either cuddle us in his true form or ride our dick in his muscle form, his choice as to which.


Those balls still have a lot of cum left in them. Milk him dry thus returning them back to their normal state. However if his loyalty for us ever wavers - even so slightly - have this feeling of pleasure and lust wash over him tenfold with the only cure being for him to orgasm at our hands.


Dang, super hot!


give keth some nipple rings that remind him who he belongs to

Neth Rusiki Azhti

Maybe it'd be a good idea to make the body we inhabit a bit hardier? How about making it so anyone that touches our skin with malicious intent is paralyzed with pleasure? And maybe even anyone who touches us has there senses boosted and enhanced a little. Maybe we can add a more elastic layer under our skin and fur that would absorb or reflect high impact or velocity hit or projectiles. And also maybe make is so that this layer is also silver-y and reflective to energy blasts and such. We gotta be prepared for anything in this demon infested place after all! Speaking of, what is this place? We should ask Keth about the nature of the physical place we are in. Keth mentioned that Gastro returned to the facility right? Does that mean we're not physically there? Is this place a dream? Are we inside somebody's mind? Or is this all an elaborate and realistic illusion we're all sharing. And what about this white landscape? Are we outside the "web of lies"? Who is Monilius, and what does he mean for this place? What are your wishes for the future, Keth? What are your ambitions, other than just surviving?


To Keith: “No.” and force him to lead on.


Other questions we can ask: what kind of lies do you eat? Do you have any friends? Is there nything you’d like me to change you into? How were you captured? How do we return to realspace? Maybe more but the questions can be spread out over the different retrievals.

Dragon Fans

Reshape Keith into a polar bear!


Cup his head with our massive right hand and thumb lightly his head fur. Then say “I really like you this way, but it might be a bit too cumbersome for our journey.” Grab his junk with our left and return it to regular size. “Feeling better?” Kiss Keith on his forehead.