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still stuck on chapter 2 >_>  you think you finished all the animations, but more and more keep popping up as the story gets fleshed out and details are being added. This week i worked on a lot of tiny animations to make the game feel more alive and plesant to watch.

so, there is a ladder puzzle in this chapter, and of course we didn't have a ladder climbing animation, so that had to be done. But this is good, it'll be useful for other situations for sure:

aand up they go. ( sorry about the weird colors, it's the gif compression)

next i had to animate a couple of moments towards the end of the level. Zap and andy have succesfully tricked dab into opening the door to sid's dream vault, and the dream demon has to free himself from the grabby lock mechanism:

in sid's dream vault , sid finally discovers dab has locked away his dreams and aspirations, condemning him to a life of apathy. Needless to say Sid isn't exactly happy of the situation. Dab tries to distract his friend, but the truth is exposed and no amount of gaslighting is going to work now.

this is of course moments before sid true dream self manifests in all his buff glory 

as i already show in this old animation:

anyways, that's all i could work on for this week, more to come! now that al and rick are back into business i'm sure we'll be able to finish the demo soon enough! 




What's the pixel dimensions of the big fella in the last one? OwO


"...some are given a chance to climb: but they refuse. They cling to 'The Realm'. Or the gods. Or love. Illusions." Can't resist quoting such an awesome monologue. It's interesting though, because it's almost like Dab is climbing the ladder by forcing Sid NOT to climb, out of love for his friend and an unwillingness to let go. I wonder if the fall's going to break Dab? I look forward to seeing his fate when we get to the demon reeducation camp! Another player choice event maybe? To let him be converted into a drone or to save him? Anyway it's fun seeing your progress on this game, as always! I have some experience with game dev and am going to school for it, so I can totally appreciate the amount of work that goes into it, and the backtracking you often need to do. The amount of polish you guys are putting into this is wonderful to see!


I can’t help but think about how much more intimidating Sid would be if he weren’t jacking off in that form. I know it’s the game’s whole thing of ‘gay sex’ but just seeing the animation examples gave me tonal whiplash, so I’m worried the actual game will have it worse.


you know, you're absolutely right on that. After all that drama, having him polishing off his dick like that is kind of silly... thanks for the observation, i'll fix it up.


heh, someone got the reference, nice! Also...well, i think there'll definetly be some kind of choice to save or leave him in the camp, and There's a couple of surprises on how Dab will take his getting sent to the demon reeducation camp XD


Ooh that’s super interesting! Looking forward to it for sure! And hey glad to meet someone who watches game of thrones (or at least parts of it?)


Is there a link to the game or not yet?