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Voxotaur: Very well Keth, if you swear not to try and trick us, and to navigate us to the rest of the captured monsters. Not only will we not harm you, you may even join us in escaping this facility. Do you understand?


Voxotaur : You know what I both appreciate and reward loyalty so... 'rubs dick on Keth's face' I wonder how far you'll go to prove yours.


Voxotaur: "Alright Keith we will trust you. Do not betray us though or you will come to regret it. Serve us well enough and we will protect you." *Lean down and pet hid head like a pet.* "Now you said you could take us to our other friends. Take us to our mummy friend Pepi."


Grab Keth's dick. With each use of the word "time," send him a jolt of pleasure/make it bigger. "TIME for you to be honest. Do we have enough TIME to save everyone else, being guided to one person at a TIME? Or are you buying TIME? Ritual won't require all nine people. Otherwise, just saving Gastro would be enough."


Reshape your body and pet the little version of Keth as you audibly sigh and explain to the demon... Ket you adorable little idiot, we saw how you set us up, betrayed us, but since we did make good use of it, we shall be generous and give you our offer once more, join us and be completely loyal, and in return we shall grant you power, pleasure and an escape from this place... but if you try and betray us one second time we will make sure to personality make you feel your very existence dissolved by an unimaginable amount of blissful joy


Also in regards to the order, I guess the previous poll could be used as a guideline to who should be saved next, going from the most voted ones to the least voted ones.


For commands, I’m going to say we should fashion some “clothes” for our vessel. We shouldn’t be so indecent and naked! I’m thinking a black leather harness (the commonly used style of harness in furry stuff, the one with the central metal ring on the front and back holding it together?), black leather bands (with spikes) around the biceps and wrists, and then maybe a nice cock ring! One other thing! VOXOTAUR: First, for the trio, wait until the two demons climax, then command the entrapped viscount to stand and soft vore them both, like the wendigo did once before. Stretch and expand his mouth, throat, and body as much as necessary to get them down to the stomach, and then convert them into a black latex goo once they get down there, making the Viscount grow larger stronger, and fatter. This will also give him a sticky, tar-like gooey substance which he can fire from himself (either through his hands or his cock) as you command in order to ensnare and pin down your enemies. This fusion of the Viscount and the other you will serve as a horny, muscled brute: extra protection while in this web.

Star Ringer

Two demons besides Keth and our new vessel. Two bodies of ours. Ask them why we shouldn't do away with them right now. If they don't have a good answer, take one each, and gobble them up werewolf-wendigo style before absorbing them as our original body did to poor Fingers. Try to use them to shore up whatever barriers are keeping our little Gibbering Maw suppressed and buried. Assuming this won't somehow empower him instead... ...shit. Did Gastro still have our tracker? Is it somewhere around here after he vanished? We need to get it back.


Keth, go back to being a hunk, you are sexy and you should know that. I also would like to ask Keth more about his past, and how he came to be here in Sagitta.


Our face glowers as we approach the traitorous imp - fangs on display in a big toothy grin, our oh so sharp claws bare, each lumbering footstep bringing our imposing body closer to the miniature demon with a loud menacing STOMP! "I now realize... the truth... what I have to do..." Our eyes well up with tears, "I think part of me didn't want to believe it... but I've been living in denial... I think I've known this truth since I first laid eyes on you..." Suddenly we get down on one knee, "*hiccup* K-keith, I know we've only known each other for like... thirty minutes, *wipes some snot from our nose* but... this time together has been truly precious, I-I want you to marry me!!"


Also in the interest of body diversity I vote Keith to stay small in his 'real' form, for now at least, he is adorable!


Also for a more serious command, don't do anything that would destroy Fidelis or Fortis! Keep them, and the fake demon Jack, trapped in a orgy of mind-bending pleasure with no end!! Make the latex spread, stick to their hands, stick to their cocks, so that even if they momentarily break free of the intoxicating miasma of lust, they will never be able to break free on their own. With our touch make them as sensitive and horny as the demon trapped in the suit, never able to be satisfied. Use that delightful latex tail as a prehensile dildo. Most importantly with every pump and desperate thrust use our power of touch to make their cocks slowly grow larger and thicker, their balls heavy and near bursting with musky seed, until they're a couple of first class studs, so this fake Jack may know a true quality stretching and stuffing.


Keith, this form displeases us. Become more muscular but remember your place.


Gastro, your fluffy form pleases us, but feel free to add a wee bit more muscle but retain your flub. You'll need to be stronger to move that weight.


Agreed, Keth should stay cute. Phrase it as a test of obedience or whatever, I just want the cute form to stick around.

Shiny Skunk

Keth, be silent. You're more useful to us with your mouth shut right now. In fact, if you want to make yourself into a little bitch like this, we're happy to help. We manifest a ball gag, arm binding, and chastity belt on your body. Now go sit and watch your demon friends have fun while we think about our next move.

Shiny Skunk

(I also just want to add, blazingcheeks, I am constantly amazed at your ability to find new, creative, fucked up ways to make this stuff hot as hell, seriously you put in so much work to all this and i am in awe)


this is a prime moment for us to have fun with voxotaur powers on these hapless goons. They're completely gone, minds cooked, just waiting to be Consumed. Although, it would perhaps be beneficial to hold onto some extra gloves in case you need a pair. We desire their flesh, within our own, on stand by and ready to be worn should a situation arise that requires hands other than our most dangerous mitts


We leave the three demons making out with each other. So long as you can feel your other self you can call on them for aid if you need them. But always keeping an eye on Keth for there seems to be more to him than meets the eye.

Warren (Stephen) Rose

If we remain separate, let's be sure to board Keth's boat with both of our bodies. Leaving one behind in the company of demons seems an invitation for them to spin a new web of lies in an attempt to convert it.


I’m not really naive enough to think Keth is loyal or that he won’t end up killing one of our undead boys but I’m having fun playing like I am so Keth can stick around as long as he likes.