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hey guys! here's page 17 all done! i personally don't mind how shezmu's gardener turned out , he's a fun critter to draw! the idea was to make him resemble a certain someone ,but i'm fine with him not looking at all like the character in question, it'll be obvious soon enough anyways. 

aaand mr. price leaves us quite early in this abyssal adventure. May you find some relax and chill in the nothingness were ghosts that get killed go, i guess? also boss better start swimming , a tidal wave of abyssal wine is on his tail now!

anyways that's it for this week. As a side note, as we're nearing the end of the comic i'm looking back at this whole project, and i'm thinking maybe this wasn't too suited for patreon. Perhaps you guys would've preferred something shorter and more autoconclusive? Let me know what you think , despite doing this for some months now i'm still trying to find my footing and your opinions are invaluable!

p.s. as always, you can find the original files in the .rar archive attached!




I've been enjoying seeing the comic a lot. I think its cool to see and wanna see more myself.


I think it works pretty fine since we got the weekly updates (which is about as good as any webcomic) and even got to see WIPs! But maybe a more straightforward concept would be like a weekly voted pic? Or biweekly depending on how long it takes you and how much detail you put in. Your rendered and detailed pieces are astoundingly beautiful, so putting that towards individual pictures might be less time consuming for you and more simple overall? Something like, you take suggestions in a post, pick a few that you like, and put them in a poll. The most popular choice gets drawn that week (or, again, every other week). It's better than the old Sketch Sunday model because it's one picture at a time, but it will give your Patrons an opportunity to see you draw something we've always wanted to see you draw! To keep things simple, possible ideas would be limited to R34 and your own original characters. Just a suggestion though! I'm fine with this current model moving forward too!


I dunno, I've really looked forward to reading these every week. It's been consistent, well-paced and representative of the sort excellent art I've been backing for. If you were looking for something more accessible to snag new Patrons or mix things up , I'd suggest a weekly Art Poll or something similar. I personally really enjoy the extra narrative you get with the comic format. P.S. Looks like wine has the same effect on Mr Price as it does me. RIP!

Star Ringer

I've liked these plenty! Especially the WIP pages, it's made me think about my own process.

Bryan Whiteman

Well that is a special kind of terrifying. Your horror terror designs are excellent. As for the future of the Patreon. I am worried you are overworking yourself, something smaller would be preferable. Doodles, whatever personal work strikes your fancy, requests. They'd all be fine, as long as it gives you more downtime.

Shiny Skunk

This is 100% the kind of stuff I'm supporting you on Patreon for, are you kidding.


I like the comics dude!! It's what got me into your art. Just vary up the content, ggg for a set period of time then SU, etc. One suggestion though: plan the number of pages maybe? That way patrons can expect the length of the current comic.


Totally agree. Also it's not like you have to set the number of pages in stone. It could be an approximation and you build the story as you see fit


I like this way. It works pretty well for me!


So what happens when a ghost dies?


hard to say! for what we know he simply ceases to exist. But knowing how hard it is to just disappear in this setting, i wouldn't count on it!


aaaa thanks! being complimented on the critters i do feels super good, since i don't usually get much feedback on those! and don't worry, i can take it !