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Animate our undoubtedly copious blood to send Gastro a message: "Ask him something only the real Jack would know."

Shiny Skunk

Damn, hard to compete with that sexy-ass werewolf, I'll say that much. And with two years worth of fake memories. Let's play dead until all of these jerks get out of here and then regrow our body. Better for them to think we're defeated so we have the element of surprise on our side when we come back. Oh, but if it's possible to command Keth to stick with us somehow, he definitely seems useful. Is it possible to somehow use the tracker to keep our eye on him so we can find him after we've healed?


We got our voice back even beheaded we can use it. Make Jack reveal his true form and tell the truth


we should let this play out and let gastro chose if we try forcing it he will only retreat deeper.


There's honestly a reasonably simple solution to this one. Regrow lungs (or body if it's not inconvenient) and voice out 'Tell the truth, Viscount'

Star Ringer

Using our blood is a fantastic idea. First, we should secure a path through it from our head to our body, reestablishing control to it if it had been lost. Second, we make our head and skull strong, stronger than it has been, to resist crushing and cutting, and do the same to our body if we can. Third, we need our blood to touch Gastro. His foot is exposed after he busted his shoe open. Gently, we must replay his memory in his mind's eye of when we first commanded Fidelis and Fortis. But we will fill it in with what we heard from Fidelis, stripped of the noise of Gastro's own blood pumping in his ears, so he can hear and remember it clearly.

Star Ringer

Then, we must use the blood connecting our head to our body, and fashion an extended throat and voicebox that reconnects our mouth to our respiratory system, one that is strong and won't be cut or crushed. So we can use our Voice to say "DEMONS. BE STILL AND SILENT. REVEAL YOUR TRUE FORMS. BE STILL AND SILENT."


Woof, no wonder Gastro doesn't want to believe us. If I had that fine Lupine Daddy to snuggle, I'd carry on living a lie too!


Given how much they have messed with Gastro I think he deserves some revenge. If we get all three of them under control I want to let Gastro choose what to do with them. Anything he wants them to do or become.


Im getting really tired of getting stabbed. We should reform and grow some motion sensors, like those that bees have on top of their heads so we can get at least a heads up about someone approaching us from outside our POV.


I mean, I'm not totally against more actual eyes, but as much as we are eldritch, we don't really need to look freakish


It's time to stop playing the nice guy, sooner or later Gastro is going to need to understand we rule, and we'll do what we want with him, be it rescue him from hell or fuck him silly. Tentacles sprout from our severed head, our teeth grow longer sharper and our eyes glow a fiery red. Before any of them have a chance to react, use our super fast speed to launch ourselves onto Jack! As soon as we make contact, make our head warp and distort. Wrapping our head around Jack's own face like a skin tight mask. (make sure he can breath) Grow around the now helpless Jack. As quick as you can, wrap him up like he's wearing a bodysuit of your own flesh. Make our flesh as strong as stone so he can not remove it. Then, once you have total control, stare down at Gastro and speak "You do not COMPREND who you speak to."


alright i think its time for sexy domination! Voxotaur: With superior speed and power, use your detached body to sweep Werewolf Jack off his feet and to the ground. Put Jack in a wrestling pin that locks his legs up behind his head/back, while exposing his face/ass, like a good matchbook pin. make your body hard enough that Gastro cant cut through it and Jack cant wiggle or claw his way out. While they are distracted, make a new body for from your head so you can use VOICE to command Jack to tell gastro the truth of this place. If Gastro still cant believe it, tall gastro to ask Werewolf!Jack a question or two,since the demon wont be able to lie to him anymore. Once Gastro absorbs the truth for what it is, tell him that we are planning to fuck the demon as he's held in our other body's hold, If we wants to join in, or not is up to him, Of course, make keth go brainhead for the moment. we dont need him sneaking off or anything First, claw off the pants fabric covering Demon Jack's ass/anus and give it a good hard slap, making his ass jiggle, really get a good feel for them. then spit on your fingers and start fingering him, getting a good feel of that ring and whats beyond it. Make his libido rise, swelling his nips and anus red with sensation, watch his face contort with pleasure and then start rimming his asshole, giving it a good tongue massage, get it nice and slick. then spread Demon!Jack's ass asscheeks and drive your dick into him. make your dick expand even more until you can see the budge in his belly and start dizzy dicking him until you both cum. If Gastro decided to not join in, have the other two horny demon werewolves feed their dick to demon!Jack for sucking. if Gastro does join in, allow him to skull fuck demon!Jack or whatever after you're done. If Gastro is against the fucking because he still looks like werewolf!Jack, then as a showmen of friendship, make the demon reveal its true from (while keeping the size and muscularity ofc) before fucking him. If gastro is still against the fucking then just tell him to go to sleep and fuck the demon!Jack as is. when you're done. if the demons show any signs of aggression, turn them into cockrings and a make a necklace to hold them as trophies. If Gastro was put to sleep, wake him up, otherwise, show him the ocean you and keth arrived here on.


(Once we've regained the ability to speak, by whatever means) "Gastro. Dear Gastro. I know this is hard. You have no reason to believe me. I represent the horrible, terrifying experience that was the prison. It's scary encountering me once again. As if your back in the prisons and surrounded by all its horrors. But you know that is the truth, don't you? I saw the cracks. You know what I've told you to be true. You just don't want to believe it. This life you've lived, it seems so perfect, doesn't it? Werewolf Jack came to your rescue, you became the Alpha, you have your own gang and Jack is there to protect you. And he 'loves' you. It is so perfect, isn't it? Just what you always wanted. Two whole years of perfection till I came back. Odd, isn't it, that everything happened exactly how you wanted. Even Werewolf Jack, the sadistic sonvabitch, capitulating and letting you become the Alpha. Sounds awfully generous and loving of him. But that's not the Werewolf Jack you know, is it? Its not the one I know, and all I know of Werewolf Jack is from you. This is not Werewolf Jack. Your stuck, more a prisoner than ever and so are all your 'old' friends. We need your help, Gastro, as much as you need ours. "


"Our patience with you is growing thin Gastro... VERY THIN... First, you and that gang of undead fools tried to kill us - after all we've done for you - saved your fat ass from certain death more times than you can count, you abandoned us - left us strapped to a bed with nothing but the RATS for company, and now... you do this?? You DARE to CELEBRATE our 'death'... in front of our own body!?! Hug the murderer?? In thousands of years of existence we've never known such insolence. You should be HONERED that an ancient creature of such fantastic cosmic power as ourselves has come down from the heavens and taken an interest in rescuing someone as utterly HOPELESS as you. And I KNOW you were aware Jack was going to attack us, Gastro - I know of your superior werewolf senses - there is NO way you didn't smell him, hear him long before he ever had a chance to strike, and you said nothing... Be aware, pup, not every voice inside this ancient body is as infatuated with you as you might think. You trifle with us, we can make you feel more pain than you could ever imagine..."


Voxotaur: Reattach our head and return the favor.


Our body uprights itself behind him, and grabs him in a firm hold. Our head grows it's own body, and now we are two. With our voice from behind, We command you, viscount, unhand our partner and kneel.


I mainly want them to pay because Gastro looks so sad when we told him the truth. It literally broke my heart and I wanna hug that adorable chubby sweetheart.


YEs ! werewolf jack <3

Warren (Stephen) Rose

Transform our severed head into a talking animal of the same mass, such as a puppy or a mongoose or a tiny dragon. Puppet our old body (through a thin connecting tendril of blood if necessary) into an advantageous position (such as behind them) while they are distracted by our head.

Warren (Stephen) Rose

So many demons with minions in this realm, why should they have all the fun? Our old and fallen body climbs headless to its feet as it takes on the appearance of stone. A deep crack forms, neatly splitting itself into three chunks, such as: left torso and left arm, right torso and right arm, crotch and legs. These three 'stone' chunks fall loudly to the ground and reform into three rough hewn winged and clawed gargoyles under our control, ready to execute coordinated attacks on the viscount and other demons. They are an effective distraction. (Although if our main connection to our old body is through something physical such as a tendril of blood stretching from our head to its feet, it could be very hard to issue these three mobile forms new orders mid-action...)


I’ll need a bit of time to come up with a course of action but for now I’ll just say I loved this installment. The writing between Gastro and Voxotaur. The small demon fucking the big one. Gastro fighting back and being distressed. Keth abandoning us at a drop of the hat (head). Wonderful work Blazing Cheeks, I must applaud you.


First we should remove Jack from Gastro, prefferably by turning our main body into a bodysuit and engulfing the demon or werewolf, then rendering their own actions null so despite how he might struggle he cannot control our movements. Then we will move over to reattach our head, engulfing the Viscount’s head like a mask. Then we will speak to Gastro who hopefully hasn’t run away, other actions would be meaningless to us but we do not want him running away. If he hasn’t we will talk. “Gastro, I understand that it can be tempting to fall away into fictional worlds, but I will not allow you to reject reality so easily. Because while I may be among the most horrifying of the monsters, I do not have malice for you. I cannot say the same for the others around us without lying. But when I speak the truth you block your ears and eyes. Thus I ask that you block your ears and eyes to everything and think about the past two years to find the truth yourself. I will wait and Jack be kept alive and not tortured until you have your answer.” We can be gentler after he rejects the falsehoods to help him recover.


Then to Keth. “Hello Keth. I see you afraid, as you should be. I am not one killed easily, possibly not even killable. Please don’t bother lying, it is not as charming as you think. While we greatly enjoy groveling it is no longer enough to gain further favor. The only reason you still control your own mind is because you are harmless to us, not to humans though. You really should not be angry at humans for removing parasites like yourself. You are useless to them as you will soon be to me. If you wish to retain the ability to feed I suggest you change that truth into a different truth.”


A good body is a waste. Simply reattach yourself to the severed body.


Or you can grow spider like legs on your head and carry yourself back over to the body and become one with it again. Grossing them all out at the same time and letting the demons know you are not so easy to kill Now having learn that Keth was indeed was just playing along with you and was not fully under your control as you might had hoped.


We made ourselfs a promise to not force our will onto Gastro, this is probably our last chance to have his trust come to us willingly, screwing this up we might never be able to convince him ever again, by any means possible that doesn't involve forcing our will onto him we must poke cracks onto this LIE, point out how convenient all those things seem to be, how did "the viscount" know of Keth and how did he know "where he was supposed to be" and furthermore, how convenient it is that said Keth knows the "old name and title" of werewolf jack to the point of showing up at this time out of nowhere,and lets not forget that we still need to hurry to save our other friends. Point all of this to Gastro as our plea for him to believe us.