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note: due to the fact the perspective has changed expect shorter, but more frequent updates, i suppose? i can't have the voxotaur go around doing whatever he wants after all XD




Keth doesn't seem like a bad guy, we should be wary but I think we can let him guide us to the others.


VOXOTAUR: Use VOICE, tell Keth that he WANTS TO and MUST tell us the truth, and tell us everything about what’s going on with our surroundings, what happened to our friends, and what he is planning to do with us if we get on the boat.


Voxotaur: Use your VOICE, Make him open up and tell us what's actually going to happen if you get on his boat. Also, Kieth should maybe consider doing a few sexy sailor poses to "convince" us of joining him.


Give him a big french kiss, tweak his nipples, make him extra horny, get your hand inside his kilt, the closest you get him to orgasm, the shorter his dick gets, make him cum, his dick is now 0,5 an inch long. He gets it back once we find our friends.


As we caress him, knock his height down. He has no business towering over us.


Hmm, I'm okay with this, focus on what's in front. Tbh I really didn't want to have to think three steps ahead so this is great. Voxotaur: offer to "shake on it", extending your hand. Then, using the power of VOICE and HANDS bring his mind under your control. Make him tell you wants really going on, where the monsters are, what his part is in all of this, what happened to his boat. If he's not one of the bad guys, then erase his memory of your powers and ask to for him to take you to your monsters. If he is a bad guy, finger him, make his asshole wet with slik and arousal. Leave him begging for your dick and tell him the only way he's gonna get it if you get the monsters back.


Most important thing: Tell him to lose the kilt. We're practically running a nudist colony, damn it, we have to be consistent.


Since there's a lot of trickery with the senses going on currently, lets just take a mental picture of our new "guide's" appearance for potential use for later. Never know if it should come in handy later with our power of HANDS.


Can't help but agree. Any kind of clothing seems to have almost become taboo at this point so lets keep up with the nudity :P


So I think Keth is supposed to be a Charon-like character. Ferryman of the River Styx. Usually impartial and tasked with doing his job and not caring so long as his passengers pay their toll.


"If you have constructed an illusion around us, I suggest you break it."


Shake his hand, let him know what will truly happen to him if this is some trick of his. Or better yet, make him want to honestly serve you. Give the body he wants, make his mind into a lustful drug addled haze that is only truly clear when he obeys.


Alright so reprise! Just realized this was an illusion and sydan's probably right next us getting fucked so... Ask keth how to break the spell after you have him under your command and make that your priority. If he can't tell you that, then ask what's the illusion based on? Sight? Smell? (After he's told you everything, it doesn't really matter what you do to him since he ain't real so make him sleep... No fun in playing with an illusion when you could get the real thing) Whatever the sense is, you need to block those sense and start using HANDS on yourself to pinch the sanity back to your brain. If all else fails, use that seeing through eyes power to focus on Sydney like before, except let the painful fire strike your mind enough to break the illusion. If you can't break the illusion then, while keeping keth under your command, make him take you to where the others are in the illusion and explain to them that they're still near the elevator and look like vampires. See what they know. If they don't cooperate, use VOICE to make them, calm them down if need be. If you can break out of the illusion. Assess the situation, is the monster gang near? They still hallucinating? Is the enemy who is doing this nearby? Then it's time to use VOICE and command the real enemy to bend to your will and make them tell you what they're doing, and why. Now the fun begins. Kiss them, make them wet with your fingering, have them begging for your dick and fuck the cum out of them for dominance. Then tell them to release the monster gang and explain what happened to them. If the enemy isn't near but the monster gang is, use "hands" to wake them out of the illusion using the pleasure juices (make their nipples puffy and sensitive, chest filled with milk cause I'm horny for it tbh) if they start getting ansty and uncooperative, use VOICE to calm them down and explain to them that they haven't moved from the elevator, stuck in one place by an illusion (if they blame you, say they left you behind so it couldn't have been you)


It is clear the creature is trying to impress you for it like you is lost and in need of some friendship to help it (and you) to be free of this unreal beach.


Assessment : Keith seems pretty kind, a little insecure, probably due to not being a very high ranking demon, and thus very unlikely to be the source of this "illusion" around us. Trusting him blindly would be a mistake, he nakedly sees us as some kind of meal ticket, and why not? Keith has no reason to help us for nothing - but he could be a good friend and useful ally against the more powerful, hostile demons controlling our companions... but only if we don't freak him out by immediately transforming him and trying to fuck his brains out, as tempting as it is, we can do that later. His smaller figure we saw in the distance is undoubtedly his true visage, he 'could' have transformation powers too, but much more likely his beefcake is completely fake. This could be a aspect to leverage against him, give him the real deal.


Command : We must RESIST the temptation to transform Keith. Don't kiss him, don't hug him, don't even touch him. You take a step back, and give Keith a rundown of the situation. "Hold it!" Our voice booming, but extremely affectionate and smooth, like a jovial Bing Crosby, "Before we start our journey together, my new friend, you must know the truth. Sit, and talk with me..." Your baritone VOICE bounces around inside Keith's mind, every syllable putting him at ease, making him trust you more, like you more - even develop a little crush on you as arousal builds inside him. Tell him about your mission. How you are the leader of this gang of lost monsters, and how you're all trying to escape this infernal prison complex. Tell him about your missing friends, so he's up to date on who they are and how they got here. Tell him about your nature - as an ancient creature of lust and chaos with many minds and many voices - tell him about our fantastic powers to transform [but carefully omit telling him about our powers of VOICE]. Make sure he knows we are fair and just, but our nature can also make us very dangerous, capricious. Always horny... you think Keith looks like such a dish, you half want to just pin him down in the sand right now and ravage the hunky demon boy. That's why he must not touch us, for his own safety. Lest we turn him into a creature of mindless pleasure. Invite Keith to join us, let him know we'll not only make sure he escapes, if he comes willingly we can give him fantastic power too, so long as he doesn't plan any dirty tricks.


We think that Sydan is close by and we seem to be under an illusionary effect. Reach out to Sydan via the blood again, being closer now might let us glean more hints.


Omg and we should tell him that if he comes with use we can transform him from the small thing he really is into the giant thing he wants to be


Resist the urges to transform and control Keth. Act as if we do not have significant power.

Shiny Skunk

I don't have much to add, i'm just giggling at "condom full of spaghetti." (also let's play with Keth's nipples plesase please pleaes)


I agree we should have him drop the act. (i have a feeling the more unanimous ​​our desitions the more powerful the voice power gets, splitting it splits the power)


I do not remember any ghost that should still be with the party, but I’ll check the archives tomorrow. In the moment we should tell Keth we know there probably isn’t really a lake there and to just tell us the truth, as we would rather not... destroy him. Also compliment his pecs, illusion or not they look great.


Also I think we should start calling ourselves the Echoes, because we are no longer voices