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note: i'll post a poll next to this with a list of names.



Rodney Talon

I know this is a pain but some previous installments what caused my copy of the patreon app crash. Is there a way that like other such projects you can set up for download so that that way I can download various pictures and catch up?


That strange Glow left me curious, try and mentally ask to the voice if he felt something while we "took care of our new friend" and if he did (or didn't) feel anything, ask if he would so kindly explain what was it just now


Resist the urge to change him, you already have and we should focus on rescuing the monsters. Also I prefer him the way he is.

Star Ringer

A place of demons. A place of lies. How easily a lie is spoken. Perhaps our VOICE can take this web and weave it as we will. "What a lovely night it is, Keth. The moon is full and shines so brightly with not a cloud in the sky. Surely this same moon shines down on my friends and brings them comfort while they await us." > And with our VOICE, we sing, a sea shanty befitting the circumstances: "The moon is full, heave ho heave ho, in the jeweled and cloudless sky, The moonlight bright upon this sea, and where my lovers lie, 'So wanderer,' heave ho, he said, 'which man shall first we seek?' 'I'll sniff their trail across this sea, if just their name ye speak' "I said 'Dear Keth, each name I love, Each I've been neglectful of, Now as I strive to save their souls, My fingers fill the glove'" "I cried and moaned, heave ho heave ho, 'How could I think to choose, which lover shall I rescue first, and which could bear to lose?' 'I must decide,' heave ho, I said, 'through cold democracy,' Which lover I shall rescue first,' my pieces choose for me" "I said 'Dear Keth, the first name's planned, His salvation is at hand, Now go we two to save their soul, My voice is thy command'"


Resist the urge to change him, you already have and we should focus on rescuing the monsters. Also I prefer him the way he is.


hmm, i could include a rar file with all the updates in the next ones? in the meantime i'm uploading the updates at a slower pace at <a href="http://monstersmash.thecomicseries.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://monstersmash.thecomicseries.com/</a>


Don't change Keth any further, we need some body diversity, cant turn every character into a bear, cmon. If Gastro wins the poll, which seems to be the case for now at least, we should consider: 1- If he is under Sydan's influence we could try changing his blood just enough so he snaps out of it, but carefully so we dont kill him. Or if that isnt feasible just make him tag along while we dont find Sydan. 2- If he attacks us on sight, we should be prepared. Turn into tentacles or the like and immobilize him so we can at least try talking to him -WITHOUT USING OUR VOICE- 3- If he is chill (or after 2) we just explain to him that we are trying to escape this place as much as him, and even as inconstant and fickle as we are, this is a goal shared by our collective consciousness, we just dont mind doing that while having some mindblowing kinky sex along the way. We should try not to use our voice for as long as we can solve stuff without it, but if he refuses to comply completely, just go "YOU WILL SHUT UP AND FOLLOW US AROUND" until we get everyone back together at least


This was probably the hottest thing I've ever seen out of everything you've made, it was really that good. Definitely have sex with whoever we go to find and the erase their memory, or if it's Pepi maybe don't erase his, he seems chill enough


Your mind starts to wonder if this demon is just playing you for he has not taken note of no longer wearing his kilt or that his nipples are sore or the taste of cum in his mouth. Is he playing you and creating web of lies now that he has you believing he is under your control?


I can understand that it doesn't exactly feel too good having someone specifically go against your suggestion, but really? Since when has there been an unspoken rule prohibiting going against each others commands? Obviously there should be some way to dispute each others suggestions or it would end up being a case of "whoever mentioned it first gets dibs" :P


Really? I think he strangely feels kind of in character, though I guess it depends on how you see it. Since our character is basically a mass of voices inside one body, it wouldn't exactly be strange for some of them to be specifically referring to or disputing each other. I don't think his reply is meant to actually try and talk you out of your suggestion because obviously you have your own opinions on what you'd like happening but it kinda just disputes your suggestion in a way that comes off as trying to talk sense to the character itself. That might very well all be BS though and I'm just seeing things where there is nothing :P Also I get that it perhaps feels a little bit more personal when it's directly replied to your own suggestion but leaves little difference at that point since with that kind of comment, everyone would obviously know the suggestion it would be trying to dispute :P


Well just like I can't really know for sure what the intent was with the reply, neither can you. Honestly though I can only really assume that there was no intent to "come after you" or really dictate on what you should or shouldn't suggest and more place his/her dispute at a place that felt relevant since you were the only one talking about body modification. That is of course still nothing but what I think was the reason but I can only hope and stay positive :)


Honestly? It's fine if in your opinion you find something rude. I can't say that I agree with it and will want to make my point but that's fine if you don't share the same views afterwards. What mostly brought me here was the random claim of an unspoken rule about it though so I wanted to make my opinion on the matter :P