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Star Ringer

Oh fuck you. Just fuck right off. I know you can still hear me you miserable invertebrate bastard.

Yoked Coder

To harvey and gastro, loss your weight gaining desires, you're no use to us immobile on the ground, we cant exactly make you instantly loss the pounds afterwards either, and loss some of that horny desires, stay on track a bit

Star Ringer

Pepi, try to stay calm. You've been possessed. We thought you were completely under. If you have any defenses or abilities to free yourself, use them now!


Roro, chubby Guard and Red, gain higher resistance to the voices commands. As well as locking your intelligence and lust so they dont change at all for the time being. Red- Try asking a question only the real one knows as well as stand behind Roro just in case the tentacle monster tries to make a move.

Star Ringer

Yang Zhao, the REAL one: Do that thing that jiangshi are known for doing! To my fellow voices: DON'T SAY WHAT THAT IS, TENTACRUEL WILL HEAR IT AND THERE'S A CHANCE HE DOESN'T KNOW

Star Ringer

Gastro: You're not free right now. BE FREE


Surprise: the cigars make the vampire, werewolf and ghoul fatter

Star Ringer

Jack: You are overcome with the desire to monologue about yourself.

Star Ringer

Possessors/Scientists: Explain what a black skull is.

Star Ringer

I think I know what the maaasks are foooooor.


NOBODY touch either Yang Zhao. Solve this like The Thing, both of you jerk off into a petri dish and put fire on each wad of jizz, see which one turns into tentacles.


Pepi, regain your sessions and fight back the ghosts possession. You are a king, and if anyone is gonna feel pleasure its you not him.


Pepe while the ghost is distracted reclaim control of your body.... the tentacle beast is on the floor with you guys


Good luck everybody :)


Hm. Alright. Not much to do but try to put a positive spin on this. Ok so GASTRO: Regardless of whatever happens you WILL NOT allow yourself to be shackled/strapped down/etc. No one else in the room (Jack, the 3 scientists/ghosts, any monster) should try to shackle him either. Same goes for Harvey. If there’s a fattening compound without any adverse side effects then give it to Gastro and Harvey as a priority. ALSO if possible give Gastro a supplement that will drastically increase his strength and muscle mass, and give him a bit of a dominant streak (as long as there are no side effects to this one!). None of you should do any fucking, but especially not Harvey or Gastro- have other types of fun, like WG, sure, but DON’T have sex with each other. I feel like that would ruin your relationship/friendship, or whatever beginnings of one you were developing. If anyone has more of that lycanthrope stuff for Jack, give him another dose. Also WG stuff for him too! Sydan try to get your head in the game. Please don’t drink any blood, or cum. Snap out of this haze if possible. 3 ghost dudes: are you bowler hats? Have you heard of them? Are you even ghosts, or something else? If you ARE ghosts, probably avoid the mummy, as the ghost possessing him has a curse on him that’ll fuck the three of you right up (he’s a memeber if the bowler hat gang, if that means anything to you).


Pepe, can you hear us? You want to help your fellow monsters, literally the best thing you can do right now is sit back and relax, try to enjoy the pleasure. Keep the crazy murderous ghost trapped within your own body, strapped tight to a gurney with monster proof restraints. He can't murder your friends if he's being fucked silly and mind-broken by a haze of drugs and sex. Ivan : You dumb horny slut, THIS is what makes you happy, cocks in your ass feel better than anything, and you want to feel good right?


Everyone move away from the two “twins”. If one tries to approach you, keep your distance. @both “twins”: If one of you is a shapeshifter who ISN’T an eldritch horror, please shift into something else (maybe something cool, like an anthro bear, if possible?) and explain/introduce yourself while making a show of submission by moving away from everyone else and dropping to your knees. If it really is the tentacle monster, then wow can you like, leave??? These dudes??? Alone??? Your call, I guess.


Jack, Ghosts/Scientists : Now the party has really started. Strap the horny Vampire, Ghoul and Wendigo to beds like the Mummy, and prep them for a session of HARDCORE COCK MILKING. Let the Werewolf stay free, he'd prefer to help you DOMINATE these guys. Jack, remember your fat fetish, you like em large, you want to make them BIGGER, nothing is TOO BIG. Ghosts/possessed scientists, gain a fetish for seeing monster boys fattened up and fucked silly. Find a compound in the lab that helps with rapid weight gain, and preferably some food too. Use it on your newly bound monster-toys, and make sure that Wendigo gets a heaping dose of Shape-shifter Testosterone too!!


Gastro, Harvey, Sydan, Wendigo : Dumb and Incredibly Horny. Lock. It. In! You didn't come all this way to wimp out at the last second, you came here to get your dicks wet! Don't think about it. Let these kind gentlemen lavish you with attention and pleasure. Do what they say... eat, suck and fuck what they tell you to... be their happy, horny willing sluts. Gastro : Now is your chance to be the ALPHA, pick a hole and go to town.

Shiny Skunk

oh man the masked guard is hot!! aaaahhhh.

Shiny Skunk

I have a feeling only the real Yang Zhao will be affected by our powers, so I think we should all tell him to do something very specific. Maybe while like, saying some code word? I saw someone else saying jerk off, so yeah, let's go with that. YANG ZHAO: JERK OFF, AND SING BANANAPHONE. The rest of you, keep away from both Yang Zhaos until we're sure which one is the real one. Protect the scientists and don't let either of them touch you.


Roro, Red & Chuck: Keep as much distance from both of Yang Shao and keep an eye on either of them getting effected by the voices since the tentacle monster is immune. Both Yang Shao: Keep some distance from each other and whip out those erect members of yours immediately. Scientists: Make sure to give your new visitors a good submissive time, and of course share some of those testosterone filled drugs with them as well. You also find yourself infatuated with the idea of playing with some beefy monsters and would love to help your new visitors slim down and get bigger.


GASTRO - You love your weight, so soft and warm, you'd love to get bigger! You're just a horny dumb pup. Go check out Pepi, he looks like such a PIG suddenly?? The Guard is plowing his ass hard... but his mouth is free, why don't you spitroast the porker.


HARVEY - Your fat fetish is stronger than ever, but you're still oblivious to your OWN weight gain. Sit your lazy butt on one of those comfy looking beds like the Mummy is on and order Jack and the Ghost Scientists to serve you food and wine. Let them such your cock and massage your rock hard abs. Get something for your wolf boyfriend to eat, and see if you get something to fatten up the lanky Wendigo.


Gastro, Harvey, Wendigo: Smoke those dang cigars


Gastro and Harvey have sex.


Oh, hey guys! I just started as a Patron for Blazingcheeks, and I’m stoked that I’m participating for this comic. If it’s not too late to submit, here are some suggestions for the characters: Possessed Scientists: Gather around the now hairy Hepi and gently grope the mummy’s thick thighs. Mutated Formerly Masked Guard: Grab a long tube and a large flask. Shove the tube up the mummy’s furry kaboose and suck the other end letting some of the jizz into the flask. Gastro: Grab one of the cigars and take a deep puff. Deeply kiss the Wendigo and blow the smoke inside of him. Promethean: Hold your skeleton friend’s hand gently with yours. Lean close and stare into his eye sockets. Then say, “I won’t let anything happen to you.” Lightly touch his forehead with your own.


Pepi, I know you can bloody hear us. I /also/ know you're resistant to influences, demonstrated by your useful/infuriating ability to just straight-up ignore us. So I am telling you, right now, because it's not only in your own best interest, it's in everyone's best interest, to GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER AND SHOW THAT SERIAL KILLER GHOST THE BOOT. Jack - you seem to be having such a good time right now, especially being half wolf. Why not go find Gastro and complete the transformation? Imagine how that would feel! Roro, please get your intelligence back. You are such a good person, and you'll be able to do so much more with your full mind. (Keep the lust where it is, though, you still need to have fun.) Ghosty posessy scientists - all of these shenanigans are getting in the way of your card game, and cigars. Surely there's something in this lab to calm everyone down. Harvey - look at how amazing Gastro is. Isn't he hot? Don't you want to do *gasp* GAY THINGS with him? But why should you care? It's not like you're really straight, anyway. And it's not like you've had any luck with anyone other than guys... Gastro - Make sure you keep that Wendigo in line. You're shaping up to be a leader in this group, and you gotta keep proving it to everybody. Yang Zhao - JERK OFF, AND SING BANANAPHONE.