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well , the cat (literally) is kind of out of the bag with the identity of this homeless guy. I suppose i'll namedrop him along the way for those who haven't read the previous comics, but the ones with keenest eyes and best memory will probably have already guessed what's this guy's deal is.

so, on to page 5, and finally we'll get away from this friggin cemetery to see what's the gang has been up to in the few months that has passed since romano's death and destruction.

so that's it for this week! hope you liked the update, and see you next time peeps! oh and the separate files for the comics are attached as always:




I always love seeing the WIPs, it's cool to see how the process works--and I love seein what the Bowler Hats are doing to the city even while things happen


huh, is that one of those soul gatherers thats on their building? would love to see how that happened


yep, it's one of them. apparently it joined the gang too! i'm still debating whether to show how that happened or not..


Oh, did the drunkard unpiss his pants from page 1?