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so since we're delving very deeply in the ins and outs of the game's story and the end of chapter 2 , me , rick and meek discussed a lot about one of the later areas in the game: the demon boot camp, where demons who don't meet their quota of yearly tormented souls get sent so they can be reprogrammed and trained into being efficient and proper hell demons.

but this is hell so nothing is as simple as it sounds: they say demon boot camp, but what it really is  is a place where demons get reprogrammed and transformed into stereotypical, horned standard demons (tm): beings pliable of mind and blindly obedient to every demon lord that would employ their cheap services. Here's a typical standard demon (tm) that i got to sketch yesterday:

so, if this is the product of the demon boot camp, who runs it, and who arrives and collects the demons if you are so far behind on your schedule to be considered irredeemable even by hell's standards?

we briefly toyed around with a couple demons ideas, but almost immediately we thought that zap really needed some sort of antagonist and foil, and who's better than an angel to put in shape unruly demons?

so we came up with zeke. The main element we all agreed upon was his beefy arm wings, almost always locked in a flexing pose. I initially wanted to do a blonde leather daddy type of guy, but something was off. It was kind of generic as far as hot dudes go and didn't really fit with the boot camp theme at all.

then meek mentioned the hell's angels pun, so we went with more of a biker look. We liked him being a bit older, and it was around that time that we thought that zeke was an older angel that didn't really agree with the hippie love & peace atomsphere in modern heaven and he was more about punishing sinners and smiting evil, so he left heaven like zap to seek somewhere to unleash his holy wrath, and eventually ended up opening the boot camp in hell. In the end, this design is ok, but y'kno, it's a bit normal as far as designs go, if he didn't have the wings it wouldn't be weird to see him go around in a normal setting.

so in came this sgt. slaughter-ish version: almost there.

we eventually went full drill sergeant on his ass. A choice that sounds kind of obvious but i'm having a hard time seeing him as anything else now. So with that out of the way, i was ready to animate him crashing in the motel final chapters to get dab away to the boot camp, wich is what i did today:

meek suggested we use one of those ol' 90s explosions gif for when he arrives, and i couldn't resist. i hope it's not copyrighted or something or we'll have to make one on our own XD

anyways, that's it for this week, hope you peeps have a nice weekend , i'll see you next time!




That design is amazing! If there’s one thing I wish it’s that his pants were a tad bit lighter so that we could see that highlight of his a bit better :P


The explosion gif is perfect


those wings are a really cool idea!


I think the explosion gif looks great, but one little detail could be to make it bigger, as in covering the sprite entirely, so the "dramatic stand up pose" can be better punctuated, kinda like when the terminator arrives and the lightning bubble covers him just until he has to stand up, I hope you can understand the scene I'm talking about.