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Scientist tell us your name and strip


Man on the radio, drop your weapon. You are safe. And very comfortable.


Tentacle Monster: We don't really, though you're kind to offer? But really, the better gift would be to leave everyone alone or something. I mean really, that used to be a person! And now it's a mindless heap of flesh. Not cool. Gastro and Harvey: Continue to eat and feed each other. You love the taste and the feel as your bellies expand. You both love being fat, and love seeing each other be fat and eat and grow. But also converse with each other. You're both down here together, why not talk about yourselves, get to know one another? You might even become friends. Also watch out for the possessed man behind you both, keep a wide berth, and DON'T touch his weapon (or really any part of him). And just generally please don't get distracted and run into danger. Enjoy your snacks and conversation but keep a careful watch on your surroundings and peers. New Human: It's OK, these aren't the ones who are destroying everything and putting everyone in harm's way. They're just... people. Even if they don't all look like you. See if you can help them out? Tell them you mean no harm and answer any questions they ask you. Maybe hang up the phone too, Also watch your back and don't trust anyone who looks like a human, aside from Jack the Guard and the Possessed scientist dude right in front of you. Pepi: Please don't lose focus dude, a bit of fingering is not worth dying (or worse) over.


This chapter, so good, and the emotions between Chuck and Roro <3... Bad Sydan, you shouldn't have interrupted that! You lose 1 Point from Intelligence and Gain 1 to Lust. Gastro, Harvey : Keep stuffing your guts, you love eating.


Can you feel it Pepi? That throbbing NEED between your legs, aching for release... isn't it FRUSTRATING, just as things started to FEEL GOOD that control freak vampire decided to stop you... where does he get off telling a KING, a GOD, what to do... after-all, it wasn't hurting anyone was it?? Why does BEING GOOD mean you have to FEEL BAD all the time?... You're a good boy, arn't you, good boys deserve TREATS, good boys deserve to get their cute chubby cocks sucked once in awhile...


[Gastro, Harvey, Sydan, Chuck, Roro] When addressing Pepi start casually referring to him as SIR, PHARAOH, MASTER or BOSS. Do not think about this as weird, don't think about this at all. It doesn't even occur to you as unusual, or register any suspicions when you hear others say it.

Shiny Skunk

[New Human] Drop your gun, drop your pants, present yourself to the monster, it is your new god, let it fill you.

Star Ringer

New Guy: The vampire before you is the most beautiful creature you've ever laid eyes on. You know in your soul that you can't do anything that would cause him harm. Tell your fellows it was a false alarm. You were just seeing things. Tell them everything's ok, then you're going to carefully hand over your gun to the vampire. Eldritch McUnknowable: NO. No more gifts. You clearly don't know what we want as much as you think you do, and you're only going to ruin more of our toys if you keep this up. Sydan: The mummy is losing it. Clearly. You're probably going to have to be the clearheaded one for a while. Let's reduce your lust and up your perception and willpower, if we can. Roro: Please reattach your scalp, if you can find the means to do so. Not all of us want you mindless...


Someone, anyone. Partake of the beast. Drink from his spewing nipples. Fall prey to him.


Sydan, put the new man under your control and have him redact his alert to the other guards. Harvey, you can't take it anymore, you have to try out Gastro's dick... just to see if some of that flavor has gotten into his plump juicy balls.


New Scientist. Tell us your name. and realize that The Mummy Pepi is The Pharoh of legend you have heard about. pledge your undying loyality and lust for him. present yourself to him. Jack; don't let Sydan stop you. Please your Pharoh. Give him the pleasure he deserves. ravage his rear with your fingers. Or your cock if you can get away with it. Sydan; Turn the giant corrupted Guard into your thrall. his size may be useful at a later time. and as an outlet for the other voices trying to make the others give in to their lust.


Hold on, "Came from the service elevator likes the others?" Give us a vision of Yang Zhao, the Wendigo and Red Motherfucker, did they make it to the second floor too? SYDAN : Your intelligence drops sharply, you're suddenly a dumb horny fuck.... HARVEY : Everything tastes delicious and your hunger is unquenchable, for every bite Gastro eats make sure you consume three times as much... but stay OBLIVIOUS to any change in your body - in your mind you'll always be a buff sexy jock, a hunk, a perfect specimen of fitness... a stud like you could never gain an ounce of fat... JACK : Escort the monsters directly to the lab for the 'stronger relaxation tools' you promised... But make sure your favorite fatties have a constant supply of food to eat!


Tentacle Beast: A suggestion--use hypnosis to lure and tempt them. Bend their minds before you even touch. Swirling screens, captivating musk, irresistible song. Brainwashing, mind control, triggers and trances.


Pepi, I'm sure your ass being played with felt nice but try to resist a bit more until you all escape. I'm sure you have a special lover on the outside that you miss and wanna go back to as well so be strong <3 Sydan please help Pepi in keepig the group together. You both have better resisistance to the voices so working together will also help the others. You guys can do it, I believe in you!


RORO and CHUCK: y'all are cute if this isn't a long term thing ill be very disappointed. real talk time, confess your feelings


GASTRO: bump up the dominance. be an alpha to the cute hyena boy

Warren (Stephen) Rose

Blazingcheeks: Oh hey, you were talking on Twitter about reposting the first chapter of this. Flipsnack is the flipbook making online app my Storyboarding class uses on our blogs. Might fit what you're looking for?

Warren (Stephen) Rose

Stevenson: This crowd doesn't seem to appreciate you in your new form. Prove your usefulness and your hunger by descending to the lower levels and eating the remaining mindless zombies until they are gone. The living guards will thank you for your service.

Warren (Stephen) Rose

[New Scientist] You recognize the guy with the large knife and appreciate his muscular transformation. Realize that staying fully human is going to leave you vulnerable to outside influences. If you can think of someone you'd rather be upgraded by than those in front of you, say so and head there.


Scientist: "What have you done to my friend?!" Its hot, why do I think it's so damn hot? I w-want that... I want... "Why do I want it, too?