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ok, i'm.. actually floored by the fact most of you guys want to see original content! it makes me really happy to be honest! <3 so.. considering i pretty much already know where i want to go with two of those series, let me ask you, wich one would you like me to tackle first, GGG or steven universe: shattersong? (i also have another new comic in mind unrelated to that, and bolt bunny is always fun to do, so let's put an "other" option in there too for fairness sake)



shattersong!!! i say this coming from someone who was majorly brought in by the SU comics and am mostly invested in that. im not v familiar with ggg, myself


GGG! Loved the detachment sketch!


I agree with this guy


I'd love to see more Bolt Bunny but I don't think he'll win sadly... Maybe a random smaller comic on the last week?


GGG is my favorite series, I’d love to see more of that.

Rodney Talon

Okay honestly there are three other things that you kind of started but never got time to elaborate on. Let's see there's the other visual novel with the werewolves on the campus. There's a couple one of whom is a gamer. And then there's the D&amp;D party. So my vote is going for others with the hope that you might cover something like that. To be fair I don't really care for both Bunny and while I would like a conclusion to shatter song or a continuation I get the feeling that you're kind of burned out or tired of that which is why you switch gears. So I don't want to force you back on until you are interested and inspired


Although I would love to see some of those ghastly menageries, I think we should put a pin on that for the time being, because to have 2 supernatural tasting stories going back to back would feel redundant, we could wait until october draws near (or at least august) so it can be more than fitting, for now a somewhat longer story (I dunno, 20 pages most) with bolt bunny going against an actual super villain would be more than welcome


Alternatively!! If people like this option, since the investment for all the options presented are so even - we could rotate the comic done each week and a random one done at the end of the month!!!!! I feel that satisfies everyone


I'm a fan of everything you do, but Bolt Bunny always makes me GRIN.


It's been a good while so I wanna see more ggg


Agreed, it's been a long time I've read their ghostly (mis)adventures and curious where they will go now.


im haapy as long as u keep making great art and stories nomtter what u make


I just noticed by tapping on accident: people can vote on more then one thing. Maybe restrict that?


I wish a proper end for GGG, the last chapter feeled like if the gang boss have something for resolve, especially with his lover


As much as I love GGG I think there should be a new comic with TF influences. You do that content so well that big beefy bois changing bodies... hell, a comic based on Fenris High would get my vote in an instant.


More Bolt Bunny

Piper Malone

Bolt Bunny is my personal preference


I'm glad to see more original stuff from you since you do such good work! ^_^


Olympus frat comic will be great


Fenris High


GGG please! I've been anticipating a new chapter for a long time and I love those ghost boys!


reiterating this point now seeing the final tally. a 55-51-40 tally is really close, three separate passionate crowds within the community here. i do think it might be best to rotate the comics you do each week

Tyler Serbousek

I’m just obsessed with all of your work, especially the tf ones, so anything with that would be great!


Couldn't do the poll in time but my vote gotta be GGG

Star Ringer

I think a part of people enjoying giving you suggestions for sketchy sunday (or at least, it is for me) is the hope that we might bring your attention to something that you'll be inspired by and build off of like you have for Shattersong. "Maybe if I get him to draw Blue Devil, he'll be interested in the character and want to draw him even more!" But, given the choice, I'd rather see you do what you're already passionate about.


All of these where so close

