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so, i gathered a bunch of your suggestions from yesterday in a poll : let me know what option you think would be best for me to do instead of sketchy sunday!



Honestly I would say just do your own thing do what blazing cheeks wants to do

Robert Smith

Oooohhhh I'd love to see how Shattersong continues :)

Piper Malone

They are all good options.


Definitely the last for me, love the concept of sketchy Sunday, but you should definitely do them on your turns and be allowed the freedom to work on other projects your passionate about😊


Either two requests or a comic- maybe if you decide on doing the comic a random patron (with an OC/reference) gets a cameo?


Would you consider new comic projects? Like idk something set in the Fenris High story, or other ideas? Or would you be solely focused on working on your existing comics? ((Sorry for being so obsessed with Fenris High I’ve probably asked about it like a billion times I need to chill. Also just for reference i think I’m going to love whatever you do for this because you’re Justin that good and have such a good style. Also I’ll be happy that you (hopefully) won’t be as stressed by your work for us))


I feel the first 3 are honestly to similar and would become one-sided. If the first one wins only a small few will get something out of it. If the second and third (Their basically the same) the choices could become one-sided the majority constantly picking similar content... essentially pushing the minority away. The Fourth is honestly the beat option. It caters to all your fans, to all of us. I'd happily give up sketchy Sunday's to see more of the Comic series that made me love your art to begin with.


How about option 5. You take a day off! You work like a dog all week, you deserve at least one day of rest.


I vote for a day off myself. Or draw things you want and build up a pile of scetches for when you are sick or want a vacation!


As stated above, voting for a day off.


As much As I loved getting pics from ya, I really do wanna see you draw your comics again for Steven universe and GGG


GGG all the way


I want to see more Steven Universe comic... please.


Comics sound great, but is that really like any less work??

Shiny Skunk

Oooh, yes, hyped for the potential return of the GGGs


Honestly i'd rather see you take the day off and rest


Looks like everyone's dying to see your new comic XD