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this week i finished up the last part of the andy and zap's last day together as kids, wich clears the door to exit the dream and enter directly into dab's lair. To make andy's dog out of the way you have to give the real andy to use the candy bar you find in the motel's freezer on andy while he's on fire. The melted chocolate will trigger the final part of that day, that involved andy's dad making chocolate chip cookies for the boys.

aside from this i finally drew the interior of the big top, a messy visceral place, that seems almost alive.

still not sure about the circus name. For now hellequin will do, but if you guys have any cool or silly demonic name for the circus feel free to suggest em!

and that's it for today, tomorrow maybe we'll try to figure out the sunday situation, you guys have made several very neat suggestions.




Looking great! A few circus names I could think of ^^ : The 666th Circus Ring, Cirque De Beezelbub, Hell's Very Own Circus

OrcChieftain (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-13 20:35:11 this dog is too cute <3
2019-01-13 18:47:19 this dog is too cute <3

this dog is too cute <3


I honestly tried to think about any name, searched from the goetia demons to even romani folklore, but I couldn't come up with anything... maybe just name it , maybe just name it "Inferno circus - hellish attractions for all the damned"