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hey so... i dunno, lately i kind of dread sundays. I already told you guys that sketchy sundays are  very taxing for me, and i thought i could deal with that by making the sketches, well, actual sketches instead of full illustrations and all, but even with that in mind i feel the compulsion to do the best i can with the time alloted on sundays and after like a week of doing simpler sketches i'm back to doing big illustrations containing tons of characters etc. and it's wearing me down immensely. 

also i realized my work schedule is getting way too crazy. I work every day for 6 hours minimum, and about all day when the cyoa is involved. Sundays are particularly terrible because i have to do 5 illustrations that take about 4/5 hours to make each so i end up working all day with a heavy self imposed deadline. That means i haven't had a weekend break in months, besides when i felt sick or when holydays were involved.I'm afraid all this workload is impacting the projects i started the patreon for.

so what i'm saying is , i'm sorry but i might want to take a break from sketchy sundays for a while. 

i hope you understand... after all, if this keeps up i'll get so fatigued  you'll also end up  getting subpar content and i'd hate to do that for the people that have helped me SO MUCH with my projects till now.

that being said, let's discuss this. What would you prefer from this patreon ? maybe i could reduce the CYOA to a weekly update instead of two times a week, and instead of doing that on thursday i could draw something for you guys. Maybe something from a poll?  let me know what you'd prefer.

again, i apologize for this disservice, and i hope we can work together to find a suitable replacement while i regain my footing a bit. I don't even exclude sketchy sunday might be back in the future. 

thank you so much for your patience and your support guys .




Honestly do what you beleive is best man as long as that interactive comic stays I'm good with anything


I think a poll is a good idea. And take as much rest as you need, you deserve it!


I hope you continue to draw short comics about corruption. nothing else matters to me


oh, it's not the style of monster smash. it's the style you used to draw on the furaffinity. I know it's not easy, the quantity can be less, just my personal opinion


I just desire to see dragons. u3u Big beastly dragons!


Well while I would love to see as much Monster Smash as possible from you, I do agree that you need to tone down the content if its stressing you too much. Perhaps if you include sketchy sunday in the future you could have people write suggestions like usual but feature a voting system like in you cyoa series for a single full illustration a week instead.

Piper Malone

I think you did a great job on the sketch sundays with a lot of really high quality and dynamic images. It isn't a surprise considering the number and level of quality that you're tired. You put out a lot on this patreon. Take a break from it maybe come back and do it as a retooled "one image a month" thing where you choose an idea that really grabs you or a lottery system. Unless you want to create complex tiers and commission payments I think your best bet is to continue showing us your creative angel and demon game stuff, the random creative beats, and your experiments in comics with the monster smash series.


i think itd be best if CYOA updates were changed to once a week, and sketchy sundays do turn into, well, sketchy sketches


Most important thing is you not burning out.


i love the idea of you having either a poll or you just drawing something that has interested you instead of doing sketchy sundays. it was an amazing offer for you to draw for all of us and something that took a ton of time and energy but it's unreasonable to think you can just pump out art constantly. give yourself the time you need and focus on what drives you.


personally i thought the fact that you were doing like a billion full painted completed works every sunday was ridiculous to begin with. The cyoa stuff is a bunch as is


First of: I believe it's a good idea to take a break from sketchy Sunday's. As an artist myself I know it can get quite taxing on once mental health and the stress isn't good for you. Your work is amazing and always has been. Your patreon was formed to support your point and click game, which looks awesome so far. So I don't think you should slow down your updates on that, it's what we signed up for. In the place of of sketchy Sunday's, the idea of a poll works nicely so it's just one piece to worry about... but that could also become old fast. So my suggestion: Is mix things up on Sunday's. Like having polls one the one then releasing a short comic (like the Bolt Bunny series and clawhauser comics) the next. Then one Sunday you just do what you want and show us that, Keep it spontaneous, it'll keep you motivated and not constantly stuck with one thing. It's just an idea but the important thing is that you look after your mental health. Thank you for all your hard work.


Thank you for all you have done up till now! If sketchy sundays need to stop then let them end. Your mental health is much more important. For me personally, patreon was a way to give back to you after enjoying your artwork for a while and really enjoying Strange Flesh. I look forward to peeking at some of the updates for Zap and Andy ( I don’t want to look at all of them because I would rather be surprised!) and anything else you decide to work on in the future. And for all this insane effort you are only asking for $3! So I completely understand if you need to take a step back. I will miss getting to see so much new art on Sunday, but that much quality in such a short time was insane. Take care of yourself and I look forward to whatever is next!


I personally think you really should reduce the sketchy Sundays, whatever is best for your mental health. Whether that means doing less of them, a poll related pic once a week, or possibly doing a poll related pic weekly and then doing a random batch at the end if the month. Whatever is best for your health, man.


I agree with everything! Speaking for myself, I have been following your work for quite some time, for like your tumblr and Strange Flesh. So supporting you on Patreon is just my way to show you that your work is great! Work the best way possible so not to burn out.


I support you on Patreon not because I am expecting sketchy Sundays or the CYOA but because I like your artwork. Your mental health takes priority over everything for without your health we get to see nothing. Take care of yourself!


Personally speaking, I was awestruck and the sheer amount of detailed work you did in a week. I have no problems with you dialing it back. I love to see your work, but not at the cost of your own health


Totally understandable, you have clearly been doing so much and producing so much art. You deserve as much rest as you can possibly get and you're smart to curb yourself before you burn out horribly! I can only speak for myself, but I'm sticking as your patron and supporter no matter what.


I've been just wondering how did you manage to create so many detailed illustrations each week and still have the time for your personal projects. Kind of relieved to hear that you are a human too


With the amount of effort you have placed in your art is amazing, and giving yourself more space is completely understandable.


Although I love your art I'm really glad that youre taking a step back for your well being cause that amount of work can drain a guy to the point where its not fun anymore and we don't want u to go through that. Like others have said the CYOA should be a once week thing and I like the polling idea for sketchy Sunday

Warren (Stephen) Rose

CYOA once a week is definitely workable. Huh. You might change it up and do one every five days rather than a Tuesday Thursday thing. That would allow each comic to have the same amount of time for voter input... Six comics a month rather than ten seems a good balance? Also, you could do a one sketch each Sunday based on viewer poll and pick one day a month to release as many sketches as you feel like from the backlog of suggestions. Take care of yourself, man. You rock. Health days are good.


I actually only joined for Sunday not the highest fan of monster smash


The CYOA once a week is fine, and maybe do a eight art piece sketchy Sunday a month instead of the twenty or so artpiece a month, but making it all random to be more fair? Like, do a random one you decided on twice a week and then post them all on a that Sunday.


this doesn't sound too bad actually.. like you said i could do a couple pics a week and post them all at the end of the month.. i'll definitely use this idea as an option in a poll for you guys to vote on.


aaaa thank you jay! yeah i want to avoid burning out so i can give you only my best. You have no idea how happy your comment made me <3


haha, i dunno if shutting yourself in your home and doing nothing but draw for like 24 hours straight can be considered human tbh XD that's why i'm trying to change stuff around XD


i wonder how the poll should work.. should i post like themes ? characters ? or like maybe make a post and ask you peeps directly what you'd want to be drawn , and choosing the most popular option?


thanks man! the idea of making the CYOA every five days is very good tbh, it would stop too much time from passing between one update and the other... altho it would shift from week to week , wich is a bit of a mess, i'll have to think about it.


aww zsisron i'm sorry i stopped before i managed to do that dragon pic for you. I still remember one pic of a white dragon getting all hypno'd and being done naughty things to, that i think you commissioned to someone, that was super hot! also d&d dragons definetly deserve more love! (and of course the three commissions i did for you in the past!)


yeah, this option seems the more logical to me. I don't want to force my hand on you guys by coming up with restrictive poll options myself, but maybe that's more fair? we'll see.


oh of course, i won't stop doing the game and i'll continue to give you guys updates on it,and the same goes for monster smash. One image a month would be cool but i really want to give you guys more, i'll come up with something i'm sure!


yeah, that seems to be the consensus. I'll have to think of something about what'll take place instead of the CYOA on thursday .


yeah all these options are excellent, i'll definitely have to put up a poll tomorrow and see what you guys want most.


aw, sorry to hear that! is there a way i can make the comic better? how come you don't like it? also sorry i'm discontinuing sketchy sunday , but i'll try to make something else in its place that is equally entertaining!


Probably sense I got into it to late to me feels like a Halloween thing


well it did start on halloween, and it does feature hollywood monsters, but it's its own thing now, maybe you should go back and catch it all? if you click on the monster smash tag you can see it from the beginning, there's a lot of sexy action in there, scout's honor! XD


You can do sketchy sundays at random months and on months you want to you can do stuff you'd like to do. Like doing more GGG or Steven Galaxy comics


Do what's best for your health. I honestlt sticking around cause I enjoy your work. While the sketches will be missed I look forward to the dev blogs.


I honestly don't mind if you stop doing the sketches, as long as it means you're putting out more and higher quality work that you actually want to do, that's great. I like pretty much everything you put out so I'll be happy either way :)


Oooh they all sound great ^_^ tho I think I would veer towards alternating the theme/characters concept whr u come up with the options. Like one week it can be pick a comic theme like choose from su galaxy, bb, d&d, mighty rod etc and the next week u suggest characters oc or not...You could see how that works out first instead of taking requests for now cause so many will come in that it'll be hard to reach a proper consensus. Once you've got a handle on things then u can expand to taking requests for polls. I'm just spitballing tho so u should do whatever u feel is best and you'll still have my support (Y)