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Hope to see that fat fetish indulged~ werewolf should get real huge...


Gastro, you should really be chowing down, you can see how much Harvey likes seeing you bigger and that's a huge turn on. Chuck, try to look for a way to keep your big friend calm, do anything you can think of to keep his mind off of the stress.


Your gift is an abomination, you seam to lack the right sence of lust, Tentacled one. You've ALL been pushed over the edge, into the verg between lust and insanity. Freedom comes at a price and unfortunately you all will need us at some point. Wheter you like it or not. Though lust is what I brew, I do not intend for any of you to kill yourselves and I do want you to get out of that reached place... But again freedom comes at a price.

Star Ringer

Oh that is NASTY. All of you, LOOK AT THIS. It's repulsive, is it not? This is what awaits you if you give into the baser instincts my fellows are trying to tempt you with. RESIST. Hear me and RESIST. You are WRONG, Skeleton. There are more of us that wish to take advantage of you than help you. If you give in to every impulse, there will be nothing left of you in the end. Now...If you want to, you could ask if anyone else can help you sew up the Promethean's head again. That's reasonable, right?


I donno I like his gift (Evil smile) What other gifts can you bring us?


Masked Guard Jack : [SET YOUR CHARISMA LEVEL TO MAX] Take a couple dozen of those nutrient sticks and give them to Pepi as a gift, you think he could stand to plump up a little too. Lean in and lovingly WHISPER in the mummy's ear, "Oh Mighty Sun God, Most Radiant of Kings, Ruler of Everything he Beholds... hail ye Pharaoh Pepi, PLEASE, let me call you my MASTER, it would be an honor... is there anything I could do to please you?... pleasure you?" Maybe give him a backrub and a slap on the bum if you think you can get away with it.


Guard. Approach the sex monster. Try to...identify it.

Star Ringer

Pepi, we CANNOT make you a pharaoh. We cannot give you glory, power, or authority. It is well beyond our influence. The BEST we can possibly do for you is help you and the others get out of here and away from that THING. Sydan, it is wholly immune to us. It knows things about us it shouldn't. It tempts us the way we try to tempt you.


Look at this man Pepi... this is just a mere TASTE of the devotion we can give you, if you let us. He is so GRATEFUL to SERVE you, so happy... don't you think this is how things should be?? A whole w o r l d of happy, content men, who's biggest wish in life is to cater to YOUR every whim... look at your fellow monsters, without your guidance they are FALLING APART, they're a mess... Chuck... he is so terrified of letting go and f e e l i n g g o o d he's on the verge of a nervous breakdown, but you can help him... nay, it's your moral duty as HIS KING to guide him - nudge him into loving his body and loving the pleasure before he goes crazy. Also... a word of friendly advice, don't TRUST Sydan or VOICES trying to MANIPULATE you into giving up your RIGHT TO RULE. We can read the vampire's mind... he still desires control, some VOICES are in still league with him, trying to make him leader...


Hey Sydan, look. It's what you might've been if that thing had touched you. Y'know, the one that beat you here, in spite of your arrival in the only way upwards?


Harvey, you feel like you should be the main character now, the pharaoh seems like such a pushover.


I'm impressed with today's "verse" in the chapter, it genuinely left me shocked with how the poor guys are reacting, as well as the reveal of the "gift" the creature left behind, wasn't expecting that, great job Blazing cheeks.


Everyone be careful. Pepi be strong, you can lead everyone if you work together and fight off the influence of the rather naughtier voices.


SYDAN- Stopping Roro was smart in the moment, but now he needs his mind back to move past this; release him. RORO- You can help more than you'll hurt, you need to keep trying, don't throw away your life out of fear or "nobility". CHUCK- Don't give up. Roro needs you. Everyone needs you. You saved all of them when you pulled Sydan away from the eldritch monster. You’ve resisted the voices before with Pepi’s Training, you can do it again. GASTRO, HARVEY, JACK- Gastro is very cute and should be fat and eat (and should be loved and should love in turn), but also put this meal on wheels, y'all need to move. Dine and dash, get big and get going. Basically, have Gastro eat, appreciate him and his WG, but do it with haste and in motion, you're in danger! Help plan, work with the rest, don't be a liability or a distraction. EVERYONE- Y'all should keep out of reach of that thing, that shit scary. Find a (non-corrupted, non-suspicious) guard with access to and knowledge of this level. (To this hypothetical guard(guards?), should he present himself, please help the monsters in every capacity you can, and don't impede them or do anything that might harm them.


Also side note: the Sydan thing worries me. We STILL need to protect him above all else because he remains connected to Harvey, Gastro, and Roro, even if they are freed up. If he gets broken by the monster then that’s probably game over for all of them too.


Sydan: You will Likely be the tentacle beast's main target. as you have control over the others so be on your guard. *Shares the image of the tentaclebeast's gift to Pepi* : He is still trying to tempt us. and Sydan is the weak/strong link. if he is taken he can control alot of the others. Roro: Put your cap back on. there is no need to sacrifice yourself. Chuck: Realize what has been going on and what you have become. you aren't disgusted but you will be more careful. and still be a good skeleton slut.


Masked Guard Jack - become infatuated with Gastro, start making the moves on him


Harvey : You suddenly realize you're feeling kinda hungry. There werewolf made those super concentrated rations look really tasty. Start absentmindedly snacking on some of those tubes yourself. Jack : You'd know where some booze and cigars are located in this facility, right? In the Pantry... or some of the guard's personal stash... lead the monsters to it, they are in desperate need of some relaxation aids....