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Rudy Blues

Chuck, get revenge and fill Roro’s stomach with splooge


Roro, comfort Chuck as best you can without flirting too hard.


Please understand that not all voices are here to torment you as playthings, some respect you as individuals. Remember you are all strong monsters and can get out of this prison by working together. But be careful, watch each others backs, because there is an entity trying to find its way towards you. And unlike some of us, it can physicaly harm you.


Gastro: Clothes are so restrictive. You value freedom above all else, and wearing clothes restricts that freedom. Embrace nudity.


Pepi. I have troubling news. the Tentacle beast is a shapeshifter. wants to control minds and bodies. currently it looks like our knife wielding ally but thinner and fully clothed. It tried to tempt us with the ability to change you and everyone into whatever we want to please ourselves. It is still on the bottom level but it may tempt the other voices.


Oh fuck yeah, this is back! MASKED GUARD JACK : Gain a fat fetish. You LOVE to see Gastro eat and want to subtly encourage his wanton gluttony.


i have no clue at waht to say


[Give Pepi visions of life with MINDFUCKED HARVEY as KING and PEPI as his personal SLAVE.]


Harvy: your supposed to be a big tuff guy right? a real alpha? then act like it! claim that jack the guard's ass!


Harvey, you and Gastro belong together, you are completely enamored with the werewolf and have a huge fat kink.


just write what you want the character to do! anything that comes to your mind is fine, as long as it just involves something a character could normally do if they were to obey an order ( they can't do impossible things like gain new abilities, transform into other things etc.)


May everybody hear in unison a chorus of voices speaking in the most sly and playful tone "we are baaaack!"


Pepi: Remember, we are not a single mind, we are many, as countless as the stars, and we fight amongst ourselves for who's will shall shape your fates, so please don't demonize our kind, just be aware that we can all be both your greatest ally as well as your worst enemy, now go have a little pep talk with your buddy chuck, ease his mind about what happened, although it may not seem like it many among our collective love you all deeply


[What the? Patron seems to have deleted my comment...]


Harvey: gastro is your daddy and you must please him


Oh hey! My comment got deleted! Cool! Thanks patreon


REPOSTING BECAUSE PATREON DELETED MINE: TO GASTRO: definitely keep eating more of those things. The more you eat, the better you feel, the aroused you feel. Especially for Harvey, you find him increasingly interesting and begin to develop feelings for him. If he wants to help feed you you’ll like him even more. You see him as an eager helper, and will appreciate him almost paternally, watching over and caring for him as an older, more dominant friend might Don’t allow yourself to get distracted of course, but just casually eat the food without even really thinking about it. If you guys need to leave the elevator and move on, take them with you. TO HARVEY: you have a huge crush on Gastro now that he’s a werewolf again. His fatness is such an attractive element to you. The more he eats, the fatter he gets, the more you love him. The more you love him, the more you want him to grow. You want him big and strong to hold you close and secure, and see him as your dominant partner in a caring, mutually friendly relationship. You want him to eat more. Don’t let it distract you to the point of inattentiveness either, but definitely keep it in mind, help him eat more and more. You love watching him eat and fatten and grow. TO BOTH GASTRO AND HARVEY: Neither of you should allow your lust to overcome your goals or pause your progress,but it should still definitely be there. You two found each other after all- even when Gastro was just the vampire’s thrall, you two still managed to find one another. You need to STICK TOGETHER. And fatten Gastro while you’re at it... BUT BE CAREFUL!!! Don’t waste time with stopping to have sex or to find more food or whatever else (a chaste kiss/hug would be cute but keep it quick). Once we have the death badges off and are out and away from any enemies, then we can enjoy ourselves.


((As a side note, when the Monster mentions the Portal, I think it might be referring to Gastro? Since he’s the “main character” that we chose, and was the person who we first experienced the story through. In any case, he’s definitely our most important one to protect, I feel. Not that we want to lose anyone of course. But I’d hate to allow the monster to get its hands on the “Portal”, if it turns out I’m right. Idk what it would do but it seems like it would be very bad. Oh and uh sorry that these always seem to turn out so long. It’s like I’m incapable of using 5 words when I could use 50 instead 😫 )


Listen Tentacle Beast - Is there an easier name you go by since that is a mouthful??... It's not like a lot of us don't WANT to help you... especially if your goal is to trap our poor monster boys in a dimension of never-ending, tentacle filled, mind-breaking carnal pleasure as I suspect you did with the poor Boogeyman... but you simply overestimate our sway, controlling these monsters is like herding a flock of cats. The best we can do for you is slow them down, try to lead them astray... if you want them you're going to have to be more proactive and get into a better position to let us give them to you.

Star Ringer

Sydan. I know you already don't trust us. But you deserve to know. That...thing...from before is following you. And it tries to bargain with us to let it catch you all, or drive you all into its grasp. Be steadfast. These are what my kind will tempt you with: lust, avarice, gluttony, pride, wrath, envy, and sloth.


aw shit, i was almost done with the update when you wrote this... i'll move it to the next one


pet the dog