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so you may have heard of the mess with dunglr , on top of that and my flu (wich has gone, thank goodness) now my desktop pc, the one i use to draw, has stopped working. 

It's a really dumb win10 error where the screen goes black after you login and you can only see your cursor. I've spent all yesterday trying to fix following tutorials left and right (it's apparently not the graphic card or something related to the services, so it's probably a malware or something.. i can't even access safe mode >_<) and only got a huge headache for it. So i've called a technician to see if i can get it fixed in a timely manner. The guy offered to fix it pretty quickly, something that'll take from one to three days.

 I'll see if i can make my tablet work on this old laptop in the meanwhile, but i dunno if i'll manage to produce anything worthwhile.

i'm so so so sorry for all these delays. I know i just took a break saturday , but I'll try to fix things up asap, please have some more patience, this shouldn't take too long >_>

UPDATE: pc has an hard drive failure, they're trying to save what they can but they'll probably need to wipe it clean. The good news is that they can do that as soon as tomorrow, and bring it over, the bad news is i'll probably have to reinstall a ton of stuff, wich will take at least a day. So if everything goes well i should be back in working conditions by saturday. Oh i'll also probably post the new inbox for sketchy sunday this sunday , so keep an eye out for it!


pc is coming back tomorrow, but i need to reinstall a bunch of stuff, so i'll be officially back saturday, sunday i'll open another inbox for sketchy sunday!

UPDATE2: alright, pc is back, working and everything is reinstalled, should be all set to go! thank you all for your patience people! i'll make a new post tomorrow!



Oh wow that must really suck I'm glad to hear you're better and can't wait to see more of your perfect art


Dude, you're dealing with real life problems. You don't need to apologise at all. Hope everything works out for you.


i feel i need to tho, you guys are paying me and i'm not providing the service... at least i feel have to explain what's going on. As usual i'm overwhelmed by your guys' kindness and generosity tho , so i can rest a bit easy and just hope things get back to normal asap..


Seriously? You already post a ludicrous amount of art weekly while in the middle of developing a game. I don't think you should have any reason at all for being sorry about this. Especially since it's not exactly something you could control anyways.


yeah it's like a perfect storm these days. i woke up feeling fine for the first time in days and suddenly i'm like oh.. so i'm gonna lose my tumblr and all the people i met there, including the strange flesh blog... but at least i can take my mind off by drawing a bit ahahah NOPE. Good times.


you guys are super nice to me and that's exactly why i want to apologize for the delay and treat you the best i can! and i'm glad you're satisfied with my output! that's some much needed reassurance &lt;3


I can't say much more than what has already been said. Thank you for keeping us up-to-date. We really appreciate it. If you find yourself itching to make something and the tablet isn't working out to well with the laptop. I know a pixel animation program that should work on any pc and it's free


Fun fact the entire Bolt Bunny Meet and Greet animation I've been making, has been made only using a mouse and the free software. No tablet needed X3


Shit happens, bruh. I wish you all the best!


Don't you worry about us. Real life problems come up at random and it's no reason for us to hate you. Thank you for being you big man.


Don't worry man. None of that was your intention or your fault. We will be here for when things settle. Best of luck!


It's not your fault


It's all good. Things happen


Don't worry BC, life realy loves to mess with us now and then. Nothing that has happened was under your control, so it's easy to understand it's not your fault. Eventually everything will be sorted and solved, so don't work up yourself too much.


Hahaha what Al said. Life happens, and you're making the best of it. You do what you gotta do. Your fans will always be waiting when you come back. :]

Piper Malone

I honestly don't think you've been all that delayed you've consistently been putting out a lot fo work the last few weeks. These things happening to you (health and computer issues) are annoying and difficult but you need time to rest and repair so take that time. As for the platform: its awful but a new one will be found... eventually.


Really sorry you had to go through these troubles. Will the box open at 8 pm CET as usual on Sunday?


I hope your days will get better with Christmas just around the corner :) Good to know things are slowly getting sorted out.


Is your old data safe?