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edit: i completely forgot about the descriptions! let me fix that. You still can find all the pics in the attached .rar file!

from lovken:

Every bar knows how to behave when the hog boys come riding in a cloud of dust. Everyone but the bartender and the last person who arrived leaves , whatever they paid, they finished their drink or they just started to settle down. Once everyone is out, the bartender locks the place up, so the hogs can do whatever it is that they do with the unfortunate soul that had the misfortune to enter the bar last. The next morning the place is totally empty and in a in a sorry state : a powerful smell of spilled booze, sex and smoke still hanging in the air, and most of the bar's stock empty. So why people tolerate all  this mayhem? rumors go around in the desert highways, saying the hogs used to be human, but their time on the road changed them in something scarier. Other rumors say that  they always leave incredible riches stolen around the country to the owner as a compensation. One thing is for certain : the people that are chosen by the hog boys to spend the night with them are never seen again; but each time this happens, a new member of the gang appears...

from himinoboi:

Four walls around you and the warmth of a hearth is often the key for someone to finally unleash their true, inner self from its shackles, safe under the protection of their own residence . The person you have to deal with everyday could be completely different inside the privacy of their own home: meek becomes bold, nervous become relaxed, aggressive turns to docile. This is true for humans, and it is true for the denizens of fabletown. So is it so surprising that detective bigby wolf , so confident, dangerous and imposing while stalking the streets for criminals to chow down turns to putty under the caring attention of his lovers? being a lone wolf is tiring, and at times all you want to do is to be a good lap dog after all.

from dabududu:

that stretch of the ocean was infamous, but the captain had no choice. If they wanted to escape the marines they had to brave the storms and the ship-swallowing waves of the Dark Eye , the most treacherous zone in all the seven seas.  So they fought against the elements for three days and nights, until a final, monstrous waterspout capsized the boat and all the remaining crew was cast down into the icy depths. But that was not the end of the pirates.Fate had a far stranger destiny in store for them : smooth tails and bodies rich in fat, the dark eye's dweller of the depths rose up to welcome their new comrades. No longer will they run from oppressive governments and unfair laws. No longer they'll be shackled by morality and codes of honour. The dark eye was cold, dark, but it was ready to welcome them:  One by one, the pirates lungs were pumped with air filtered from powerful gills, until their own lungs began to imitate the very organs of the smooth creatures. With silky hands their manhoods were handled  so their last trace of humanity would shoot out in the black waters to appease the hungry dark eye. Slowly, sweetly, every one of them changed into creatures of silence and bliss, and were led into the peaceful darkness of the abyss to nestle in the womb of the dark eye until the next unfortunate vessel would have to cross it: and who knows, maybe the next one would be the very marine ship that chased them there in the first place...

from Ket✦Ralus :

Peppy and slippy aren't exactly the most deadly members of star fox. The hare's old age and poor reflexes and slippy's lack of skill compared to his allies led to the two to spend quite some time aboard the great fox, expecially when falco and fox had to face the most delicate and dangerous missions. Waiting in the void of space for your friends to come back safe and sound can be a very stressful time, so the two soon started to engage in some peculiar activities that did wonders to their morale. Who can blame them, really?

from Piper Malone:

one common thing for animal smokes inc. is the fact we constantly have to face legal threats. Some people complain their loved ones that started to smoke animal inc's products are now totally different people, rival tobacco companies try to sabotage our good name with outlandish claims like the one about transforming people who use our products into sex crazed monsters , zealous researchers claiming the products are horribly addictive and should be sanctioned. All this is of no concern for us of course: we have the best law firm we could ever ask for, the good peaople of b & b. No matter what kind of legal action taken against animal smokes, a brief visit to the b&b law firm and any angry lawyer dead set on taking down our company happily leaves soon after, a smile on his face and a big animal smokes cigar in his mouth. What can we say? you can't beat quality!




OMG You, have reawakened my love for slippy


Yes daddy peppy 😍


ahh i wish i could join those pigs!!! Nice work this week bro!!


Still looks amazing, hope you get well soon


Slippy and Peppy looks so hot!


Oooh, thank you for picking my idea. all of them are so good

Ket Ralus

Awesome work! Thanks, BC! <3

Piper Malone

So I am sorry to be so late to this but I adore the details and style of the one you did with my name. Its great to see badgers and beavers getting some play in your style. The belly sandwiching of the guy is very nicely done and erotic. Love the way you draw smoke. The coloration technique has a very nice stylized technique. I really find it striking. The window in back is nicely done and I love the pattern to it. Very cute that the three ties are the three primary colors of yellow, red, and blue. Just a really excellent piece I was not expecting :D thank you!


thanks man! i tried to ape j.c. leyendecker style with this one! that's why it looks like this. He was an aboslute genius and i can't even remotely compare, but i LOVED painting like this, and i'm also glad you liked it <3


Are the descriptions still coming? Tbh I always love those


Gosh dang thats a clever way to write the way gang gets its newest members.


GAH a perfect peterson pipe for Peppe. The detail is what makes your work! I love it all.