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finally the pc crisis is averted! it feels super good to be able to draw again let me tell you babes. As soon as i got the thing back i immediately started working on zap & andy again, to catch up for all the time lost, so here's a zone that you'll find on the right of the circus grounds, and where andy will wake up after falling into lethe:

this is where the circus employees live, a muddy, shitty ,run down trailer park. We can see the strongman's trailer on the left and the trailer formerly owned by the local clown that got kicked out for being too dang evil and murderous, even for demons standards.

then i sketched a bit the carny that attends the teeth ripping booth. I originally was going to go for a tooth fairy from hell kinda design, but then i remembered in medieval times tootaches were attributed to demons, and specifically some kind of demon worm that burrowed in your teeth. Then i found out about the tale about the children of ana, a tale about a fairy queen forced to marry and bear the children of an evil demon lord and birthing sickness itself in the world. One of the creatures she spawned was named bitoso, a multi headed worm that caused a variety of disease, including tootache. So well, that's what the deal of the two headed worm carny is really XD

and so with most of the characters in place i started spriting them. Even if i went long on the worm demon i think i'll probably change his design to the tooth-headed one since i'm noticing an oversaturation of eyeless characters. Wich one would you prefer ? tooth or worm?

that's pretty much it for today's update, now, regarding the next sketchy sunday inbox, i'll be posting that at 5pm EST , so if you want a sketch you know where to submit your request. I'll probably make a separate post about it too so there's no way to miss it.

anyways , catch you tomorrow!





Wooo Dev blog update!!!


YAY glad to see yer back... as for the character I'm split XD


Can't wait to see this happened... Do you have a date?


I really like the upside down tooth demon design. The tooth roots even resemble demon horns


In regards to the tooth fairy, I remember that the hellboy comics (and the second movie for that matter) had a version of the tooth fairy that resembles your first design, with the roll of teeth, but, I think the worm design is a better choice for not being as obvious, giving you a chance of educating future players in this particular myth, you could give him a name based on the myth itself.


i like the worm design myself, the tale of ana inspiration is a nice touch.