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Robert Smith

Wow that ending gave me goosebumps :O


Oh gosh that’s not good. Can it stalk people’s shadows now and corrupt them that way now? Let’s hope not. Guard, guide them the fastest way to the exit, while being sure to avoid any sign of the tentacle beast. (Pepi can hear that message too). Ghost, wake up and don’t be mindless, though be aware that the beast can corrupt spectres too, so it’s in your best interest to work with the team. Sydan we need more minds working together, please free your thralls. Make sure Pepi overhears that message as well, maybe he can help convince Sydan (as a repentant slave owner he might have some insight, and know how bad enslaving people really is, regardless of your motivations). To any freed thralls, once again, don’t be mad at Sydan, work together to reach the exit and avoid destruction. Also just generally Pepi should continue his efforts to instruct people about resisting the voices, it’s too scary to let someone be led astray and subsequently lost to the tentacle monster. Chuck should remember what the mummy said to him about strange thoughts and impulses.


YOU ALL HAVE TO KEEP ON MOVING get to the next to floor there will be time for more LUSTFUL FUN later. BE AWARE that the beast can change it's appearance.


Sydan you love your harem, you'll never let them go from your embrace <3


It seems the beast is immune to any forms of mental engagement, so both charisma, lust or anything else related will be for naught, may Sydan please release his grip from his current "followers" just so we can have more minds working together to get away from that terror, also ghost look within the scientist's memory for a way to get free from the pins in your chests, because they are still a danger.


Mysterious beast, make sure your expressions are organic so your disguise is more believable! Slip in with a group of scientists if you need to throw the others often your scent. Feel free to consume one or two of the scientists on the sly, of course


Holy fuck, this story is so dang good. I'm on the edge of my seat, it's got suspense, excitement, likable characters... this is brilliant!


Ivan: Test if you can possess any of Sydan's thralls


Chuck : You slightly enjoy agreeing with Sydan and letting him make the decisions, fantasize about becoming his thrall fucktoy


Send visions of the map to the party, including the list of each floor, for clarity's sake! Sydan: You will not touch the mummy or the skeleton, lest you risk everyone being killed. Do not take any more from Us.

Rudy Blues

Stare into eachother’s eyes lustfully

Star Ringer

Oh, for the love of- Mummy, my compatriots flung the Shadow Man from before at the faceless horror, and I'm sure you know that couldn't have ended well. The creature now has umbran tentacles at its disposal, and it has affected the face of the unmasked human the ghost currently possesses. Watch the shadows, and beware humans with vacant expressions. (And take pride in your badonkadonk!)

Star Ringer

Vampire, you balance upon a precipice. Your hold on the minds of your companions leaves you vulnerable to the horror. Should it take any of you, it will have you all. But releasing them now would splinter your party, as they would distrust you on being freed. Take great care with your flock, Vampire, lest you bring them all to unknowable ruin.