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lots of fanart of characters being very dominant this week! woof, daddy!

from stephen bussum :

Not everyone is the caped crusader, and when it comes to obtaining information in the seedy underbelly of gotham city one has to work with what they've got. Harvey bullock is not really a match for the criminal scum that infests the alleyway of the city, not strong or smart, or scary enough. But he's got a couple good holes, and sometimes it's all you need to loose some tongues down in the dark, mean streets. 

from pervyglassesguy:

After all the adventures are over it's easy to feel restless and unfulfilled. No matter how grateful the people may be to you for having saved the day countless times , the days go on and grind against you like a mill, you need something to do, something to put all that energy into: That's how coop started to work harder and harder on gadgets to give him the best thrills he could experience. It started innocently enough, but just adrenaline wasn't enough; sex was the next frontier. after experimenting on himself for a while, coop decided to get some partners in his ever increasing quest to find the ultimate sexual experience .Combining off world science and his own engineering skills he finally managed to create a device that would rip off characters from pieces of media and bring them to his world. the malleable nature of fictional creatures allowed him to reshape the entities he was kidnapping into whatever he needed them to be: a quick change on the dialogue of a game character's script and he'd become a loving boyfriend, and some artisanal redubbing would make sure even the grittiest and scariest movie monster would be as tame as a puppy in front of him. Now he had all the stud he could ever dream of, and far too much free time in his hands...

from korensolust:

the new orc project couldn't let the failure of private koren stain its reputation and the popularity it was quickly gaining amongst the orc population. They had to wash away the insult the gluttony demons inflicted to them. So they sent a squad to free private koren from the sweet shackles of pasticcio, in his saccharine stronghold. The archdemon ,surprisingly, seemed actually already bored of the now transformed and soulless orc, and gave it to the rescue team with his blessing. He instructed the candy orc to guide the rescue team back to the nearest portal to the material plane and dismissed the group. Of course, since we're talking about an archdemon , this was all an elaborate ruse to amuse him: Private koren, mindless and oblivious ,lead the rescue team directly into the hellish petrol mires, where greed demons wallowed in the putrid avarice of mortals. Here , the sin that made mortals covet for eachother possession congealed in a thick black rubberized sludge ,and it is here that one of the most rapacious greed demon of them all, pozzanghera, nabbed the team and brought them in his lair. There , one by one, the rescue team and private koren would be coated in the same liquid greed that covered the entire swamp, and be transformed into loyal servants to pozzanghera, ready to give their soul, life and rear end to the archdemon at a moment's notice.

from diamond:

not much to say here, I'm not sure this incineroar has received the proper training. You're not supposed to rawdog your defeated opponent in the middle of the ring. But hey, at least they're having fun. And what's the deal with that cameraman? stop showing the audience that money shot, we're being televised across all regions! 

and our random winner this week is:

arrin gerald!

dunno how ol' asgore ended up down in the dark world , but the guy sure as hell is no hero,fighter or king! but he's good with plants and he brought some smokes with him. Thats good enough for the king of spades, i think he was really needing a new pet to play with. Ruling alone really makes a monster out of you!

and thats it for this week. As usual, you can find the files attached in a rar! have a nice day babes!




Always making good characters hotter.


OMG BC, that Coop, Ralph and Dan one has utterly WRECKED me. Instant nosebleed and boner!


OMG i freakin adore that coop, ralph and dan pic! my blood is going to be needed somewhere else. those 3 guys are just the hottest around, gotta love men with potato noses <3


I love the Harvey pic. I think it is great and I love the story u gave behind it.

Rodney Talon

Kind of a preview to the Iron Dong