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so, more background and character designing this week! going to the left of the area i previously showed, the circus grounds, you'll end up in the sideshow /food stalls area

there's a couple of food vendors here , aside from the hellnaut trapped in the cotton candy machine and the stage for the centaur strongman ( altho he might be actually be somewhere else). after discussing a bit with the others, the left side will be probably modified a bit to accomodate a path that goes further left, to the animal cages .

a couple of the guys populating the area. a mellow but cruel ice cream(or more probably cotton candy) demon and a bitchy, salty fried demon.

so we wanted to include a mascot character, and anothermeekone did a phenomenal concept for the ringmaster (the top left one) that i really wanted to include; meek's concept was originally for the ringmaster, but even if it was really cool , having another stuffed animal/antrophomorphic character as the main villain again after dab would've felt a bit awkward, so i tried to recycle him in a mascot role. In the end we scrapped this whole character concept because well... mascots are more an amusement park thing and not a circus thing. In its place we decided to include an animal tamer character instead.

we still not know what this character's role will be so i just went wild in terms of personalities.He'll probably be defined further as we block more of the level down.

aand that's it for the week! hope you guys had a nice thanksgiving and that you liked this lil update! have a good one, babes! 




Rudy Blues

I’m so happy that this is gunna be a gamw


The ice cream soft serve demon looks pretty chill

Shiny Skunk

This makes me think of Witchyworld from Banjo-Kazooie.