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Here's the big question can the zonked members get frozen like Sydan or do they actually stand a chance against this thing because their zonked... What happens when he touches you? Important questions and only one way to find out whether or not it would work... We need a zonked volunteer. Not an easy choice to make... I'll leave two posts regarding this matter. You guy's go with what you feel is best, do we try flight the beast or do we run.


Sydan: COMMAND your hyena thrall to attack the beast. If efforts seams successful go on a full scale attack. If not COMMAND your harem to follow you and RUN.


Sydan & Chuck: COMMAND your harem and you all RUN. It's not worth risking lives.


So based on its earlier ramblings in the notes, it seems like the monster will literally destroy their minds and inhabit their bodies. Sydan: This thing will consume you and use your mind control over the others to consume your friends as well. Run, and free the others or you’ll be killing all of them. Please don’t sacrifice one of them by having them attack the enemy. This isn’t something that can be fought, and certainly isn’t something that can be fought by one mind alone. You can still be a hero, but you won’t be if you drag all your “lambs” to hell with you. Free them, work together to run away and escape. Pepi, Ivan, Chuck: The tentacle monster held in this facility has arrived at last. Run, and take the others with you, or it will consume and control them. Do whatever you can to get away and to bring your friends with you, but DON’T engage with the being directly, not even as a form of sacrifice. It’ll probably just use that against you. It wants to make you all its puppets. Also in the event that any of Sydan’s thralls DO get freed: don’t waste time being angry with him, follow Pepi principally and don’t engage with the spooky faceless man.


Sydan: This being is clearly not one you'll be able to defeat just like that. Follow Chuck and command your harem to do the same for now, so you can all escape this powerful foe alive. Make attempts to barricade any doors you go through to slow down your potential stalkers pursuit.


Guys just run from tentacle monster. Also help Pepi in your way out because I'm not sure the ghost wants to help him. I suppose he has another meaning for lending a hand


And save the humans in your way out!


Also would just like to comment that the Tentacle Beast sends chills down my spine... Really horrifying. Well done BC X3

Star Ringer

Skeleton. The vampire cannot hear us. You must tell him his control of his brothers is making them all vulnerable. If that thing gets one of them, it will have ALL OF THEM. You will ALL DIE. You and he need to get everyone to safety, so he can release his brothers without leaving them exposed to that thing's touch.


Sydan and chuck: Grab whatever braindead lug is closest and get out of there. Ivan and masked guard: You don't need to think. You will do everything the mummy says. You will submit to the mummy's every whim


Masked Guard : We command your intelligence RISE as high as it can be and TELL US ALL YOU KNOW about the Tentacle Beast - what it hungers for? can it be reasoned with? have any 'security errors' in the past caused facility staff to fall victim to this monster???


Monster known only to us as ???, LIVING SHADOW CREATURE, HEAR US wherever you may be, get your butt down to the Mess Hall as fast as you can - also become stupid and horny


Chuck: Be deeply affected by Sydan's increased charisma


Gastro: Now is the time. You let the leech drain you so far you turn back human. He is confused and his hold on you is getting weak. Break free, suck off the make shift man and use his seed to charge up your change.