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Well this is interesting... -Pepi, Roro and Chuck you guys might wanna protect the humans in your group from whatever is appearing in the light. -Sydan try to explain that you werent thinking clearly to Gastro.


Scientist guy: regroup with the others and tell them of your findings. Guard: get near Chuck and Pepi. Ghoul:...Stop being a bitch.


Gastro, Pepi, Chuck, Roro, Sydan, Harvey. Be careful, stick together, beware possession(don’t touch anything the ghost offers you, don’t let him attack you or get too close) and try not to lose yourselves, don’t die, and don’t get controlled by the voices into doing something you’ll regret (again). Restore Roro’s intelligence and remove his lust. Good luck.

Star Ringer

Gastro. It was us. We made him enslave you because it pleased some of us to see it happen. Hate us. He is as much a victim as you are, and you need him if you're ever going to be free of us. Pepi. CAST LIGHT

Star Ringer

...Hello? What do you mean, we are losing them? Who are you?


Pepi 1 : Lust 4 How unfortunate... Pepi 5 : Lust 0 Well this venture is far from over and there is still lust amongst you...


PEPI: You have quite the influence over your friends. Seems your voice screams louder than that of my own... Are you sure you're not the one CONTROLLING them? You win this round Pepi.


Just reminder Roro your still dumb and horny.


I feel like it'd be more fun just to protect them by lewding the loose monsters trying to attack them


Chuck : It's futile to fight it. Part of you doesn't WANT to fight it. Your arousal GROWS and so does your AWAKENED DESIRE to lose yourself in carnal pleasure like the submissive turbo slut you know you are at heart- Right now, no matter how much you pretend otherwise, you'd love nothing more than to have a fat meaty cock in your mouth to slurp on, a lingering craving so strong you can practically TASTE it.


Gasto : Reassert your newfound freedom and control yourself. You are not helping yourself by attacking anyone, you need to focus on getting your strength back. Harvey : Continue being a delightfully charming piece of shit. Pepi: Make sure nobody fights the new monster before establishing if it is a friend or foe.


Darkness should not affect those who watch. WE must see what is within this room, as we have seen all before


As much as it would be entertaining to have Roro mindlessl humping every leg near him, the situation demands a clearer mind, so he recovers his intelligence completely now that he is free from the Sudan's grip, but it does not lower his lust, he is still just as horny as ever, and might as well whisper to Chuck that he really enjoyed "fooling around" with him, and that if he wants he can bottom to him once the coast is clear


Harvey: Every time you try to say something homophobic, say something homoerotic instead


That scene with Sydan and Gastro is unbelievably sad. You guys gotta get out of there!