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BERSERK (Ch.240 -243) Read Along

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I totally understand the apprehension of seeing a creature that has anything resembling a phallic appendage. This familiar is, as it turns out when you look closely at it, a whale. It is kind of drawn in the style of a leviathan from Medieval maps. You can kinda see that but of course its stylized in a Berserk manner. I love the ocean, almost became an oceanographer! So I may be doing some ID on the animals Miura uses in the story. He does use a lot of them. That armor is acting like a symbiote! It seems to have a sort of personality and it engulphed Guts when triggered! Guts learns that SK was right all along! He does have to tame the beast within to master the armor. As SK found out, he didn't do that and now look at him! He is a wandering wrath! There are a lot of great panels in this section. The one of Guts being swallowed by his armor was my wallpaper for a long time. Also, the one of Scheirke pulling Guts out of the abys. Great stuff! Guts seems to recognize that entity that pulled him out as the boy, but he is not sure. So now he is gone! The other panel I love is the one with the boy and the moon behind him looking down on his parents and the others. His visit is over. That is my wallpaper currently. :D So, I don't think its stated yet, but maybe hinted at. Kinda forgot. The moon has great power, and it heightens the spirituality of everything. On these nights, the ethereal can be made to appear. Scheirke probably explains this better than I am here. So.... the boy can appear on nights of the full moon. This is why we call him Moonlight Boy. He has no name that I know of. No one has named him. Your assumption that the Egg of the Perfect World had something to do with his being here is spot on. So now he can visit his parents as he wishes to be, but only for one night on the full moon. The rest of the time he is bound to Griffith. Its very sad. Remember, they are fused as stated by Griffith on the hill of swords way back in the beginning of this Arc. I agree, these animals are being used against their will to be villains! Those crocs did nothing wrong and yet they are being killed! Poor crocs!! Oh, but who do we have here! A wizard of sorts! If you look closely, he is floating in the air, he is not sitting on a solid surface! Interesting! And lastly, yes, Farnese is one of those characters that most people can't stand at first and then something happens to them where she starts to connect the dots and you are like, wow, she's really awesome!! For me it began in the Conviction Arc when she was starting to question her beliefs. She set herself on the path to enlightenment unconsciously. I can say that is better than the majority of the people I see every day who believe in delusions and kid themselves with twisted thinking that divides people instead of uniting them. Just look at the news every day and cry. The willingness of people to dig in their heels to not admit that their thinking may be wrong when presented with evidence is disheartening to say the least. People tend to be scared and retreat to what comforts them. It's understandable, but you don't grow as a person when you do things like that. This is why I admire Farnese; she was willing to do the hard work and learn from it. She is healing herself along the way as well becoming a better person. And she isn't done learning either!! I wish we had more people as open minded and willing to see the world differently. It may even be a better world if this happened more. Or maybe we do have that, and we just hear from the crazies... I'm not sure. Edit: one thing Guts has done for Casca at this point is given her a family. That is big.