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BERSERK (Ch.236 - 239) Read Along

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Well, I'm going to start this with the declaration of my love for the Moonlight Boy. He is one of my favorite characters and to some extent, one of the most tragic. When I first read these chapters, I put the pieces together really fast too. Since then, I have formed my ideas of what he is and isn't. So lets get this out of the way now, is he their child, YES! He is about three yrs old, he looks more like Casca but has Guts's complexion. He is drawn to both of them and I'm sure he made a wish with the Egg of The Perfect World as well, to be a normal child. So why does he show up now? Well, that is yet to be disclosed in further chapters, but I view him as a key of sorts. He crosses several boundaries that a normal child should not be able to. Remember, in all aspects of this story, he is not necessarily alive. He originally was miscarried and tainted. So, he existed in the interstice, like his parents, except they are fully alive. He has one foot in this world and the other foot in the astral world. Really, he always was like this, that is why he could pop in and out of existence and go to where his parents were. Now he is like this, a cutie pie! Those two made such a cute kid! That picture of Casca, Guts and Moonlight Boy is just too precious! For the others to notice that something is... familial about it is telling. There is some fan art of Moonlight, Guts and Godo just chopping wood, like what if none of this crap happened!!!! Oh my little heart! I have seen fan art of all of them together, Moonlights first haircut etc.... makes me cry. So, the armor, yes, Guts can take it off, but when he is injured, it kinda holds him together. He is sacrificing himself to the others. In contrast, Griffith sacrificed the others for himself. Guts better listen to SK! Guts could very well end up being a wrath that wanders the Earth just like him if he aint careful! And yes! Finally!! Casca has the chance to get her mind back!!! The way I always interpreted the fact that her wishes may not be his is that Casca has never been about getting revenge. She may put more importance in being a mother than going after Griffith on a foolhardy revenge quest. She had always counseled Guts that he was too reactionary. He has to be strategic about these things and at times, the best course of action is to run away. He never really liked hearing that back then. It is yet to be that he has fully changed his perspective on this issue. He is more invested in in Casca now than he ever was in the past, now would he be invested in Casca and his child? Who knows. I think the reason he looks surprised at the idea of Griffith making an appearance is that he is really trying to not think about him. He is trying to only focus on Casca at this point. There are a few times in this story he behaves this way. The other big thing is Farnese wanting to become a witch!!! I love this for her! Guts gave her the push to change, but know she is seeking out personal learning on her own and with a witch! She is truly trying to find her own path in this crazy world! I like that she also surrounds herself with the influence of the women of this traveling group than the guys. I mean, Serpico cares for her, but she can't really experience any personal growth from him. She did by caring for Casca and now by being tutored in magic by Scheirke. You Go Girl!!! This is what makes Farnese one of my favorite characters. heheheh! Schierke's puppy love crush on Guts! I think it's cute. Also, she did just loose a parent, so her emotions are all over the place. Guts definitely treats the two children very differently. If he took a stroll on the beach to comfort a grieving Isidro, Isidro would think Guts was making fun of him and lashed out! I think the real instigator in all of this is Ivalera! She is just as bad as Puck! I remember as a kid around her age, I had a crush on my math teacher! Oh, how innocent and childish! I look back on it fondly, it's just part of growing up! So, Skellig Islands is a real place. They belong to Ireland and parts of Star Wars was filmed there. Hence the references that litter this arc. https://youtu.be/B3tOApvGfdE