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Watch "BERSERK Manga READ ALONG Ch. 126 - 129" on Streamable.



That is a fantastic behelit!! In all its bloody glory! Props to your dad for watching Berserk. I will tell my mom about certain philosophies and topics from this story because it intersects with things she is interested in, but I don't think she would make it past the first page of the manga! Curious to see what your dad thinks of it when he's done watching! We see Sir Laban and Sir Owen again! I really like those two. Oh, and Foss. I find it interesting that Sir Laban when touring the devastation that has befallen the kingdom, said that it is a direct result of prolonged war and could have been averted. People died because of war, the breakdown of society and ecological disasters. Really, nothing has changed. One of the things that the Pentagon sights as a cause for a threat to national security is Climate Change. It truly is the bringer of war and famine. I always view this bit of the story as a warning. Now are the Godhand manipulating things? Yes! It was Conrad that appeared in the hoard of rats. I believe he is responsible for disease. Slan for Lust, Ubik for deception, and Void for knowledge. We know what Femto stands for... I'd say its unbridled ambition and megalomania. War Elephants!! I love the design of the Kushan! I've probably said it before, but the Kushan were a real civilization. They are of Indian origin and controlled a vast empire. I want to do more real-world research of them but it's hard to find information on them. I said this was a big world and we are on the cusp of seeing just how big a world Guts lives in. Oh, you can fan girl over Zodd!! I know I do! Based on what is shown so far... So, this vision of the Hawk, I think it's a manipulation of Femto to appeal to everyone's desires for a savior in their time of need. Conrad is manipulating the spread of disease which is pushing social unrest to the tipping point. Is this all man made though? Oh yes! It is! But so are the God Hand and so is everything in this world. The World of Berserk definitely reaps what it sows! Good theory from you too!! Little Rickert grew up a bit!!! He is probably 14 or 15 here. I like how Miura aged him up! Cracks in the Blade is one of my favorite chapters for the tongue lashing Godo gives Guts! If there is a person that could call Guts out for his selfishness, its Godo!! He is really handing Guts some truths in which to examine himself with. He was selfish and now Casca is paying for it. I also like that Guts didn't ignore his kid's warning. Really, the demon infant will follow its parents around, but I never got the sense that it ever caused them any malice. I think it just wanted to be close to them. You ended on a great chapter! Can't wait for next week!! And Happy Thanksgiving to you too!!