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Dear Patrons

It's Canada's turn. After many many (really very many) requests from Canadians, we've finally made an Honest Government Ad for them, eh!

As you might recall, I was fortunate to travel to Canada back in April, and to meet and learn from some excellent folks there. This episode is in great part a result of that trip.

I'll share more about that when we publish the HGA.

But for now, here's the audio preview!

I'm sharing this one it with all our Patrons, not just those in the Previews and higher teirs, because the HGA itself won't be out for another couple of days, and I'd like everyone to get some new Juice before August is over.

I tried hard to get it out by the end of August, but this was a big HGA length-wise - and probably also one of the trickiest in terms of getting my head around so much new shitfuckery. (Thankfully I had some great help from locals on this front, about which I'll share more in the podcast).  

To all our Aussie Patrons: I think it's really instructive for us to know more about what's happening in Canada. Canadians have often commented on our HGAs that what's happening in Australia is so similar to what's going on over there. Which makes sense - resource extractivism and global capital are forces that operate across national borders. But even more pertinently, I was struck by how similar Australia and Canada are in terms of settler-Indigenous relations. It's almost like we have a very similar history... *thinking emoji*

As always, you are the first to hear the HGA, so feedback is warmly welcomed.

This episode doesn't have an Authorised by message... instead it will have the "A message from..." jingle at the end (the Canadian government's version of our Authorsed by messages). So if you have any good suggestions for the final sign-off, lmk in the comments!

I'll catch you in a few days with the HGA!




…..seems a shame when so appropriate

Rebecca Sweeney

Brilliant and horrifying- the link between fossil fuel companies gov'ts and militarism