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Dear Patrons

Here is the latest Honest Government Ad you helped us to produce!

EDIT: This is the updated link to the public video, which you can now share/post! Sorry for the confusion

As I mentioned when I shared the preview, this HGA is about Australia and the Pacific but it will also be relevant to all of you in the northern hemisphere, currently experiencing historic heatwaves and fires.

That's coz the Australian Government has put it's sooty hand up to host the 2026 UNFCCC conference, aka COP31 - and those of you who remember our HGA about Australia's long history of undermining COP summits will appreciate the irony.

The decision about who will host COP31 will be announced in a few months. So I thought this would be a good time for Australia to make an honest COP31 ad about its bid. Coz now's the chance for the world to put pressure on this major fossil-fuel exporter to earn the right to co-host a COP summit with Pacific nations.

I've also been wanting to feature Pacific nations in an HGA to acknowledge their staunch leadership on climate action. They had it right decades ago. So it galls me that Australia now thinks it can stand next to them as if we haven't undermined and fought them every step of the way.

Thanks to everyone who sent us feedback on the preview and suggestions for the Authorised by message - the canapé suggestion was a winner :)  

And as always - from me and the team - thank you so much for supporting our work here at the Juice Media.

I'll catch you soon for our August HGA.

Till then, take care Giordano & team  

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Honest Government Ad | COP31 Australia & Pacific Nations

The Australien Government has made an ad about its bid to the co-host the 2026 UN Climate Summit (COP31) with the Pacific, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative 👉 Help us keep Governments honest: 🔹 Be our Patron: https://www.patreon.com/thejuicemedia 🔹 Tip us: https://www.paypal.me/thejuicemedia 👉 STORE: https://shop.thejuicemedia.com 👉 PG VERSIONS: https://www.thejuicemedia.com/teachers 👉 PODCAST: https://www.thejuicemedia.com/podcast 👉 SOURCES & FURTHER READING 🔹 The 2023 Port Vila Resolution: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5dd3cc5b7fd99372fbb04561/t/6413ec18fea5335dca8affa0/1679027224847/Outcome+Text+-+Port+Vila+Call+for+a+Just+Transition+to+a+Fossil+Fuel+Free+Pacific.pdf 🔹 Pacific Islands Students Fighting Climate Change: https://www.pisfcc.org/ 🔹 Pacific Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative: https://fossilfueltreaty.org/fossil-free-pacific 🔹 Australia Institute, FairCOP31 Report: https://australiainstitute.org.au/report/a-fair-cop31 🔹 Polly Hemming, “Australia’s Greenwash Plan to Host COP31”: https://www.thesaturdaypaper.com.au/opinion/topic/2023/06/17/australias-greenwash-plan-host-cop31#hrd 🔹 Climate Council, “Does Australia Deserve to Host UN Climate Talks with Pacific Nations” https://www.climatecouncil.org.au/does-australia-deserve-host-un-climate-talks-with-pacific-nations 👉 CREDITS 🔹 Produced by Patrons of The Juice Media 🔹 Written by Giordano for The Juice Media 🔹 Acted by Zoë Amanda Wilson: https://www.facebook.com/ZoeAmandaWilson 🔹 Voice by Lucy 🔹 Captain Planet animation by Brent Cataldo 🔹 Thanks to the Australia Institute for research assistance: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheAusInstitute 🔹 Thanks to Aida, Eva, Dbot, Marie & Michael, and all the Indonesian and Pasifika folks on Facebook who helped us with translation of swearwords :) 🔹 Music by Pavlov_Dmitry: https://audiojungle.net/item/folk/23927143 🔹 Outro music: Mozart x Eric Parsons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6JBBuNy8Oo


Francesco Finucci

Everytime I watch your videos I'm a bit angrier but I also feel less alone in this. Thank you.

Al Capone

I have found my tribe.