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Alright you legends, here's the latest Honest Government Ad you helped to produce (along with some backstory about how it came about!)

This is one of those videos we just HAD to make, coz the free and open Internet is one of the most precious tools humanity has at its disposal

But that's all about to change: in just a few days, on December 14, the US Feral Communications Commission will be voting to repeal net neutrality, the basic principle behind the free and open Internet; giving giant telcos like Comcast and Verizon the power to turn the net we know and love into a steaming pile of shit like Cable TV.

In this HGA, I really wanted to convey how high the stakes are - coz I truly believe we cannot afford to lose the Internet. As someone put it: "Fighting for net neutrality is important because if we lose this fight, we might lose the *ability* to fight for this, or anything else, ever again in the future."

After several Aussie-themed HGAs, I'm glad to make one about a truly International topic - one that affects not only everyone on the planet, but also future generations.

Oh, and speaking of future generations... I thought this would be a good time to also share some big news with y'all:

My partner Lucy (whose voice you hear in all our HGA vids) gave birth to a baby boy in October. Yup, we're now a Mum and Dad!

His name is Luca and I'm proud to say he makes a cameo appearance in this very video. Look closely around the 01:40 mark. Yup, that's him :)

There's a little backstory here I'd like to share with you all:

We don't have any family to help us, so Lucy had to breastfeed Luca while she recorded the voice for the video (which was not as easy as it might sound). Listen closely and you'll hear his little voice - which was captured by the mic just after Lucy said the words "future generations."  

I thought the timing of it was beautifully symbolic, so instead of editing it out I decided to leave it in there.  

Here's a photo of Lucy and Luca at the mic: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2e2gvnsmcd4kudl/Lucy%26Luca.PNG?dl=0

When I was editing the video, instead of using some stock footage of a baby, I thought it would be sweet to use actual footage of Luca. The clip you see was recorded literally on the day of his birth - he's less than 24 hours old. (Nawwww)

Anyway... I just thought I'd share this personal backstory with you :)

Oh and don't worry folks: we're NOT letting parenthood stop us from making regular Juice videos; proof of which is the fact that we've already made 3 videos since the birth 2 months ago!  

Ok folks, thanks for reading this long-ass post. And thank you so much for supporting our work here at Juice - which we're so grateful to you for giving us the chance to do.

Giordano & team

Link to Youtube video:
Link to Facebook video:


Honest FCC Advert: Net Neutrality

The FCC just released an ad about its plans to kill net neutrality, and it's surprisingly honest and informative. ✋Tell Congress to stop the FCC: https://www.battleforthenet.com (scroll down to the section on Congress) Ways you can support us to keep making videos: ☛ Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/thejuicemedia ☛ Tip us on PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/thejuicemedia PRODUCED BY OUR PATRONS: Special shout-outs to our Patreon Producers: Waeress, Richelle R, Nicholas B, Anna Hathis, Sam G, Tom Mettam, & Anon H 🙌 And TYSM to everyone else supporting us on Patreon! 🙏 CREDITS: ☛ Written & created by Giordano ☛ Performed by Ellen x voice by Lucy ☛ Special thanks to Evan at Fight for the Future ☛ Thanks to Adso, DBot and Damian for input ☛ "Carefree Ukelele" music by Kevin McLeod: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/royalty-free-ukulele FURTHER READINGS: - Conservatives please read this first: https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/6mtvln/net_neutrality_and_conservatism_what_is/ - Then read this: https://hackernoon.com/why-pro-net-neutrality-is-not-anti-free-market-3b1994a33522 - Support for Net Neutrality from Conservatives: https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/conservatives-are-speaking-up-for-net-neutrality - Op-ed by one of the FCC commissioners: "Please stop us from killing Net Neutrality": http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-rosenworcel-fcc-net-neutrality-repeal-20171122-story.html TRANSLATIONS: - translated into Norwegian by Øystein Kolstad - translated into Danish by Mabeli


Aden Kenworthy

Huge congratulations on baby Luca! I hope they grow up to see the internet without net neutrality.

Daniel Sullivan

Great video and congratulations!