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Hi everyone! Here's the preview of the new Honest Government Ad - coz it's about time the FCC came clean about it's plans to kill Net Neutrality next week.

Please lmk what you think! (How are the voice/music levels sounding?) Am hoping to have this one out by the weekend.

ALSOOOOO.... you may have received an email from Patreon notifying you of changes to the way they charge fees. Creators were only told about this the day before you, so we've all had sweet FA time to understand the changes ourselves  - let alone notify all of our supporters, as I would have liked to do.

So briefly: the reasons for the changes appear to be well-intentioned - so that creators like me don't end up losing so much in service fees. If you'd like to understand the reasons behind it, click here and scroll down to the Update section, which contains a good explainer: https://blog.patreon.com/updating-patreons-fee-structure

However, the way this was rolled out was absolute BS; and kinda disrespectful to both creators and supporters. So I just wanted to apologise to you all for not giving you any notice about this. Like I said, Patreon literally told me the day before it announced the changes to all of you.

I hope this won't affect your decision to support us on Patreon, coz this is literally what keeps us going and we've JUST reached the point where Juice Media is becoming financially self-supporting.

However, If some of you need to adjust your monthly pledges to account for the extra service fee, I understand. And if you prefer to support us in other ways, remember we also have PayPal and Bitcoin: https://thejuicemedia.com/support

That being said, I do hope you'll keep supporting on Patreon as it's by far the best way of giving us ongoing stability.

Alright - I need to get back to editing this Net Neutrality video - which I really want to publish by the weekend, so we can get peeps on the phone to Congress.

Coz if we lose the free and open Internet, none of this Patreon business will matter anyway!

Thanks for your support
Giordano & Team




Hey everyone, this is amazing - Patreon is listening to its community of creators and patrons, and has reversed its decision to change the fee structure! <a href="https://blog.patreon.com/not-rolling-out-fees-change/">https://blog.patreon.com/not-rolling-out-fees-change/</a>

Russell McLeod

Thanks love this as I do with all your work. Citizen based taxation is something I have concerns over. Not sure if you have done anything on this or considered it.


Thanks Russell - this is the preview (have you seen the actual video?) <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFkzJc7kJKc&t=27s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFkzJc7kJKc&t=27s</a>