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Dear Patrons, welcome to the latest update in the Genuine Satire saga, aka the Australian Government's partly-hilarious, partly-worrying attempts to ban satire.

Following the email I received from the Government, some legend submitted a Freedom of Information request to the Government, asking for the release of all internal correspondence relating to The Juice Media.

Yesterday, the Government released this report and the attached correspondence:

It's heavily redacted but thankfully they didn't censor this little gem about our videos from a Senior Advisor in the Prime Minister's office:

"I suspect this will be the next wave in social media".

I'm sure you'll concur that this very complimentary endorsement from the Australian Government should not go un-celebrated, and therefore, as of today, I will be updating all my social media pages to proudly display this quote as a seal of approval from the Australian Government.

Patrons, I think this counts as another milestone in our collective journey towards achieving genuine satire so please, take a bow.

PS. I also have some exciting news to share with y'all, but right now I'm busy working on the next Honest Govt Ad, so I'll wait until after the next upload!

Thank you as always for your support,
Giordano & team



Sallita Morales

HILARIOUS! This just gets funnier and funnier :D Interesting they have the time to set up google alerts for anything to do with the government. i.e. Game of Polls Rap News stuff. Also hilarious "The group responsible for the video is the National Parks Association of NSW" Really? *head-desk*


Indeed it has become a thoroughly entertaining (and slightly disconcerting) saga. The reason they mention the National Parks Association of NSW is because I gave them cross-posting rights to the video on Facebook to allow them to publish it directly via their page, which - if you didn't look at it carefully, makes it *seem* like it's their video.... But if you look at it *closely*, you'd see the *&!^@ing Juice Media logo! XD

Peter Harrison

I am a Patron of this channel, but not for long if Patreon don't roll back the small dollar donation penalty.