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Dear Patrons, just a quick post to let you know that Patreon is listening to its community and has reversed its decision to change the fee structure.

Check this out, from Patreon's CEO:

This has been the result of massive pressure brought about by the thousands of creators and supporters who make Patreon what it is - an inspiring example of what a community can achieve when it comes together.   

Thank you to everyone who wrote to Patreon. (I personally emailed the contacts I have at Patreon, as did hundreds of others - begging them to reconsider a decision, which was not only terribly implemented but would have also ruined this platform)

Thank you for sticking with us - understandably, we lost a few Patrons due to the changes - but I'm happy to say, no changes will occur!  

Now, if we could just pull off the same result with the FCC - that would be a great week!  

Giordano & team  




Props to Patreon for responding so well to the community on this.


Thanks for listening Patreon