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This took much longer to integrate than i thought it would but here it is v0.7.6.0 with Mixed Mode and Random Mode!

New Content:

Mixed Mode

  • Each body part can now have its own mode attached
  • Can be combined with Reverse Mode for even more new and cool combinations!

*Works with video overlay but unsupported mode are treated as "normal"

Random Mode

  • Looking for a bit variety? Random Mode is your thing, let the dice decide how it is censored.
  • Random is not random enough? Super Random Mode also randomizes your configuration on each image!

Bug Fixes:

   - Fixed a bug causing in quick configs beeing displayed twice
   - Fixed Splatter default color mode
   - Fixed a bug causing box mode to not fill boxes
   - Enabled clustering boxes to work on videos
   - Enabled sticker mode to work on Base64-Images
   - Fixed some bugs in reverse mode config

PS: It might be time to generate more data and train a new version of the AI, if i decide to do that it will take a bit until a new version is released.
If i decide otherwise though I might open a voting for the next feature here or on discord, stay tuned!

Thank you so much for your support! <3



Why can't I use Reverse Censoring?I am Censored Patron


I'd love to have a content filter added for eyes and full body :3


You will have to bind or rebind your pury.fi account to patreon first. If you have problems receiving your rewards you can also PM me ; )


When this version works on Android?


We just released the new version which mins this version will become public today too and we can now look forward to publish it on AMO too this / next week.