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Small update containing mostly bugfixes and minor improvements, beside a small content update for Word Wall.

  • Added Color Mode and Font options to Word Wall

Bug Fixes:

  • Changed all color selection ui-elements
  • Improved video handling within shadowroot (still not perfect)
  • Changed the fps-meter algorithm on the video overlay
  • Fixed a bug causing remote locks to end when options are loaded
  • Fixed a bug with video overlay freezing when started from triangle or glitch mode

Edit: Updated to to fix a bug with Word Wall.



hello,why I can't use the patreon setting in my firefox, I already login and register member


Hi yongxue, you need to bind your pury.fi account to your patreon first. (Refresh your login within the extension afterwards)


how can I verify whether the account binded or not ?


When you can disconnect from your patreon account within you profile then it should be bound. PM me on discord if you have trouble getting your rewards, i will try to help you ; )


Will the version in Firefox add-on store get an update? Or is there another way to install on Android that will get the latest version?


I tried to update the AMO version but it was incompatible with mobile. I yet have yet to find out why that was the case.