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Version - Introducing Remote Control

Version allows you to remote control other extensions settings or get your extension settings controlled by another user.

How does it work?

1. Create a Remote Token:

  • Go to Cloud & Remote
  • Create a token in Remote Control

2.  Create a Cloud Settings

  • Configure your extension as you want the remote extension to be!
  • Go to Settings
  • Select / unselect all settings you need in Quick Settings
  • Upload the Settings to the Cloud using the Cloud Upload button

3. Bind your Cloud Settings to your Remote Token

  • Go to Cloud & Remote
  • Either drag or copy the Cloud Settings identifier into the Remote Token - Settings field

4. Let the remote extension register to your Remote Token

  • In the remote extension, go to Settings
  • Enter your Remote Token ID and hit Subscribe in Remote Settings
  • Optionally:
    Lock Remote Settings:
    The User can not unsubscribe by its own. The controlling instance must kick / free the user from its subscription.

Note: Updates of your Remote Token are checked & pulled every minute by default.

  • Every user can have 1 Remote Token at a time
  • Patreon Remote Token limit is increased to 5
    (the reward will be retained even if you stop being a patreon at any point)

    There are likely a few unknown bugs you might encounter. This entire remote control feature was a lot of work & code, not only within the extension but also on pury.fi.
    If you find one, please report it to me : )


  • Added a remote subscription system to auto-load settings provided by other users.
  • Added a Patreon Cache System, which will remind you to rebind your patreon account to pury.fi and prolong its duration, in case it has been expired.
  • Added extra options to box mode
  • Increased max scale limit from 5 to 10
  • Cloud settings do now list their number of downloads
  • Added quick config as an optional lockable settings

Other changes:

  • Sticker cache is now only rebuilt when sticker options have changed
  • Lock password is now internally saved as a hash
  • Fixed a bug showing a profile even if login has failed
  • Fixed a bug not showing version suffix
  • Fixed a bug allowing to remove lock state by loading default quick config

Known bugs:

  • Quick configs are listed twice


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