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Small update containing mostly bugfixes and small improvements, adding features previously missed due to time issues. Big Thanks Nikki who invested some of her time to add many of the previously missing features and fixes mentioned in this update.

New Features & Improvements:
- Sticker reverse mode
- Added angle setting to word wall <- cool new Feature!
- Added random mode to mixed mode
- Added detection size aware and resolution aware
 (replacing percentage pixel size mode) to pixel censors

- Extension API: Paint requests now also return the AI info

Bug Fixes:

   - Fixed a bug causing Sticker-Mode not working on video overlay
   - Fixed a bug causing Video Overlay to not spawn via context menu
   - Fixed bug which doubled the border width of sections where box censors overlapped
   - The label text of box censors is now accurately centered
   - The label text of box censors now shrinks to fit
   - Added scale settings to box censors
   - Fixed bug which made splatter reverse mode ignore the color scheme
   - Fixed bug which made splatter reverse mode sometimes color sample itself when supposed to color sample the original image
   - Stickers are now masked accurately instead of masking a rectangle around it in mixed mode
   - Enabled body parts with normal censors are now left uncensored by mixed reverse mode.
   - Semi-transparent colors in many censors now blend in with the reverse censor instead of with the original image
   - Fixed bug which made some settings not load when their values where 0
   - Fixed bug which made sticker chance and scale clamp to the wrong value range.

PS: Neppy, Nikki and I are working on small / big (?) UI Overhaul next update.



Do you think you could change the video overlay so we can access quality setings and audio on things like onlyfans?


I have not used onlyfans so far, can you pm me a description of the issues you are having there? Thats would be nice. If you have discord, sending me a screenshot there would also be very helpfull : )

Zennou Nokami

fire fox is too slow for watch video so i need egde or chrome version.


I also have a feature request. Would it be possible to add a delay timer for gifs? When I censor gifs, it often doesnt recognize the selected body in one or more frames causing the body part to show (often at the end of the gif). Maybe a delay would help with that so that censor elements persist once created?

Zennou Nokami

where can I use video button?