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Hey everyone, like always, I took my time since the last update/post...

Writing the dialogues took me way too long, and I spend way more time on them as I initially planned on...

However, since my last post I finally finished all of them, straightened some of them and the story out, wrote some extra scenes AND already started drawing a lot of the sketches that I need.

While I'm not nearly done drawing all of them, I just started making a demo out of replacement grafics and unfinished sketches.

This isn't going to be the final product of course, but it's definitely the first step for a public demo, and I would like to give out some of these "sketch demos" to you guys for proof reading and collecting feedback on what you think is good or like to have changed/added in later versions.

Not only that, but after releasing this sketch demo I will start adding new stuff to it over time and upload the newer versions at the end of each month.

That's at least what I'm planning/hoping on doing and I hope some of you guys actually look forward to it.

I'm not sure yet if the first demo I'm giving out should be given out to everyone, since knowing the whole story might ruin the experience for later versions.
But I will definitely give it out to every patron that asks for it.

Like always,
has some additional information to the whole process and a screenshot to see what this demo would roughly  look  like.

I'm also sorry for letting you guys wait all this time, but I'm doing what I can to get the demo out asap.
Gonna give another update once it happens.

Have a nice week everyone, and thanks for your interest and support. :>



What a wonderful job art you have here, at the begining i thought hum.. im not interested in to go through this game because i was thinking this is was not i was thinking but at the end i realized, im going to play the game to see what happens and then i liked it not for the h-scene but for the story in geral, and one day i'll be a patreon of your's (i can´t use cards now), and i hope you have a good time and work with this art you have here, for last im kinda confused did you incorporate the last panel in furaffinity the "unused h-scene preview" in the game or it's still comming on next update., I'll see you in your new update.


Kinda late reply but the unused h-scene preview was supposed to be a h-scene in the game, but didn't fit in after I was done writing the scene, which is why I left it out. To have some additional stuff for patreons however I still colorated and animated the scene afterwards and added it to one of the later demo versions. Once I'm done with the sketch demo I'm working on right now I'm probably going to reupload everything in one place to have some more clarity and because I'm not sure which version I uploaded on which sites myself. xD Thanks for beeing interested in my stuff. :>


Hi there it´s me again, thanks for the reply and the explanation for what i just mentioned, im kinda anxious to see the next update and just keep your good work up to your masters finger's and let them work as hard as they can !! xD ( I'm just giving you compliments to keep doing your job) . See you soon on the next update.