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Hey everyone!

So... This might be a little sudden if you're not one of the few people that follow my blog, but here is some random Lucario art, fitting for the coming holidays.

The reason behind this post is pretty much that I was hoping to release the Dream Molder sketch-demo before end of the year, but realised I won't be able to make it until then.

I wanted to at least have something to upload for holidays however, and that's how we ended up with this.

There's a lot of different versions, mostly NSFW, multiple genders and so on...
I'm even thinking about making an animated version with the person who opened the present at some point, but that depends on the time I have since I'm still working on Dream Molder at the same time.

Since I didn't know if all of you guys actually wanted to see the NSFW pictures I also took the chance to update the patreon and add a few new tiers.

Meaning if you don't care about the NSFW stuff and are only here for the Games/Demos, just ignore the new Tiers and you can still download/see those just fine.

For everyone else, the NSFW Versions and project files will follow in the next few days, so feel free to swap Tiers however you like!


As a little side note/update for Dream Molder:

I'm still working on scripting all the scenes properly to make a first playable sketch-demo, but because of the time I have at the moment it will still take a couple more weeks before I can upload it. Just know that I'm still working on getting it out.

Like always you can see more detailed progress on my blog.

If you like the idea of some random art like this every month just let me know and I'll put some of the time I usually take for Dream Molder into this.

Thanks for staying around this long btw. I know I'm slow when it comes to updates and all...
So thanks for your support and have a nice weekend everyone!



Kurtis Cross

So you're gonna start posting art again? Sweet, can't wait!


I like this idea


Mhmm, sexy lucario is a weakness of mine... but yeah, it would be good to focus on something other than dream molder once in a while.


Sweet. Tbh I don't like boobs here, even more so in NSFW version. Never really got why people take pokemon and make some weird pokemon-human hybrids out of them. Lucario is the best on its own. But hey, it is you who make decisions. Art is great!


That's actually why I made the different versions to begin with. I saw a few comments about the boob thingy on the Braixen animations and wanted to try around and see what you guys would like the most. I actually like both, versions with boobs and the one without. I wouldn't know why I draw them like that though. It's probably just something you get used seeing from other peoples art and and then start drawing it like that yourself. Glad you like it though.