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This is a big move by Trump. Seems like it on the surface, anyway. These climate change deals are just another scam to financially and politically subvert nations. With that being said, Trump's backers are heavily invested in the oil business, so you can see why they'd oppose all the 'green' stuff.


US officially withdraws from Paris climate deal

BERLIN - The United States on Wednesday formally left the Paris Agreement, a global pact forged five years ago to avert the threat of catastrophic climate change. The move, long threatened by US President Donald Trump and triggered by his administration a year ago, further isolates Washington in the world but has no immediate impact on international efforts to curb global warming.



And the hair sniffer in chief wants to rejoin as soon as he gets in office. Another corporate owned sell out in office.

peter lally

I'm praying for a Trump victory, but the Environment is being destroyed by humans, he's terrible for the environment. I agree the Green Agenda is being manipulated, as all big issues are, for other purposes, and Trump is positive in that by being Nationalist he is Anti-Globalist. They could have moved to electric power decades ago, and done so in the interest of the people, reduced prices, rather than levying Green Taxes and passing the money onto "Green" business, owned by the Elite. Think if the UK or US used Sea Wave energy - that is the real answer to renewable energy, not the Air Wind mills or Solar Panels.