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The little shit-bag weasel who for months was DESPERATELY campaigning for a complete lockdown of London. The cretin who implemented absurd arbitrary road closures and other measures specifically designed to cripple central London, is now backtracking and telling us how worried he is about London's recovery. You couldn't make it up!

Either he's angling for more money, or, as I suspect, he's actually starting to worry about his own job. Dare I say it, Brian Rose, of all people, actually has him shook 😂🤣


Sadiq Khan: 'Existential threat' to central London amid pandemic

Sadiq Khan admitted he fears more people will work outside of central London More people have moved to the suburbs outside the city amid the pandemic This, the London Mayor suggests, is a potentially existential threat to the City The coronavirus pandemic has created an 'existential threat' to central London, mayor Sadiq Khan warned today.



He is a fucking clown! He was behind the 24/7 bus lanes stuff

peter lally

In my liftetime, Ken Livingstone was the best Mayor London had. Why? Because I think he was both a man of the people, and if you listened to him on LBC before he was banned, he was a patriot. He had his flaws, but compared to all the others..... if it had been him instead of Corbyn I think he could have won the General Election. He knows all that day to day stuff, like bin collection, like what it means to be on a bus. Listening to him on LBC was an education. He stated that MP's Salary should be fixed to 3.5 times the average national wage. He was the only one to bring order to the London Transport System with TFL. He said the answer to the NHS was to make it local, run by locals, that the hospital workers would work harder and more conscientiously for THEIR hospital. Khan, Boris, etc, well, even they are better than Brian Rose. Political positions are serious things, the arrogance to try and force himself in. I know people on here do not believe in politicians, but the power of a decent poltician, a genuine person, can be huge. Get a good one, the people will back them