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The Daily Mail wrote an expose on the government fear-mongering and covid propaganda a couple days ago, which prompted a response from the government on Twitter who labelled the article "misleading". There was a massive backlash against the government's response, by the public and the media, because they didn't address any of the facts or criticisms in the article at all (as usual). Several journalists even came out attacking the government's Tweet, so much so that the government have now deleted their Tweet LOL

The Daily Mail have now doubled down on their position and attacked the government's attempt to mislead the public.

What do you think is gonna happen if they try to implement this immunity passport nonsense? Large numbers of right wing journalists are going to savage it. It's quite clear now.

There's also been a petition signed by 70 Tory MP's now, to hold the government to account over the proposed 'revised restrictions' from December 2nd.

These clowns are getting desperate, trying to push as much of their agenda through in as short a time as possible, because they know their ruse is falling apart.


Fury as the government uses Twitter to attack Mail's covid analysis

Anger at attack from Department of Health and Social Care's Twitter account in effort to rubbish report Mail article raised questions about government's handling of crisis and challenged official scaremongering Pointed out wildly inaccurate government predictions on the number of potential coronavirus deaths MPs said 'this is what good journalism



⚔️ they losing the battle


Q for Hatman. I’m apolitical as is yourself. However, would you have voted in the recent US presidential vote? I think I would as there are exceptions to be made. Trump over Biden any day. Lastly, it’s a shame that other parties in the US are rarely talked about. Those of us outside the US probably think there’s only two parties to choose from lol